
<a href="" class="display-item">Sproutle</a>


Category: Pets

Artist: Numiauri

These little beetles strongly resemble a type of mushroom that grows during the spring season; they gather in little flocks and use these sprout patches as camouflage during their window for mating. Seeing these little guys fighting over space and eating sprouts is common as those dwelling on the islands also tend to gather up these tiny, delicate mushrooms for themselves as a special delicacy during this time of year. Cooks are particularly fond of sprouts, so keeping one or two of these little guys around can be advantageous as they perk up during the season these little mushrooms appear and act as little alarms that let foodies know when to go searching for a nice spring treat.


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<a href="" class="display-item">Jollyglo</a>


Category: Pets

Artist: Numiauri

A unique ocean creature that is seen sparingly throughout the year but gathers in large blooms during the First Light Festival, they are attracted by the excess of magic and the elation everyone feels during this time which means they light up the waves throughout the festival and will even take to the air when the celebration is at its height. Jollyglo are constructs of light and magic that require joyful emotions to solidify their form and leave the water, so they tend to only appear in moments where large celebrations occur. Otherwise, they tend to linger near the surface of the water, their form nearly invisible until something sparks their magic to make them physical once more. Those who keep jollyglo as pets tend to be fairly cheerful as the pet's proximity seems to help their mood, but they should always keep a tank of water around for when their jollyglo needs a little time to rest on the water's surface lest they dry out and disappear when negative emotions overtake their surroundings.

Pet Variations
<a href=" o' Lights" class="display-item">Fox o' Lights</a>

Fox o' Lights

Category: Pets

Artist: Numiauri

These fox-shaped lights are made up of many smaller light motes acting as a colony to create a larger body, these smaller motes often wander off from the main body to collect the natural magic in an area to feed the main body. Fox o' Lights found in areas with large concentrations of magic can become very large, filling an entire area with light but when they hit areas of low magic they can become very small and might even break into their individual light motes until they can reform in a more survivable area. Given this need to feed on the magic of the world, they tend to flock to areas where the magic is high, such as deep mushroom forests or other locations where the environment hasn't been altered by habitation. This does tend to make this particular pet rather elusive, but during the First Light Festival, many are drawn to the displays of magic that the light show and turtonic creation bring.

Pet Variations
<a href=" Foxylotl ver. 1" class="display-item">Lantern Foxylotl ver. 1</a>

Lantern Foxylotl ver. 1

Category: Pets

Pet Species: Foxylotl

Artist: Numiauri

This bizarre foxylotl only appears during the First Light Festival and seems to have a lantern for a head rather than a normal face, often with some silly little face drawn on the surface. Despite their strange appearance, they often become a new pet for many of the island inhabitants during this time of year, likely because they are so silly. Their lack of a mouth and eyes can be perplexing, but they seem able to navigate just fine and most who study the islands' wildlife believe they feed off of the lights passively let out into the air through bioluminescence from both the mushrooms that spread across the islands as well as mhoats themselves. Supporting this, their heads and vents give off a faint glow at all times, growing in intensity when they are near other light sources which would suggest they are actively feeding.

<a href=" Foxylotl ver. 2" class="display-item">Lantern Foxylotl ver. 2</a>

Lantern Foxylotl ver. 2

Category: Pets

Pet Species: Foxylotl

Artist: Numiauri

This bizarre foxylotl only appears during the First Light Festival and seems to have a lantern for a head rather than a normal face, often with some silly little face drawn on the surface. Despite their strange appearance, they often become a new pet for many of the island inhabitants during this time of year, likely because they are so silly. Their lack of a mouth and eyes can be perplexing, but they seem able to navigate just fine and most who study the islands' wildlife believe they feed off of the lights passively let out into the air through bioluminescence from both the mushrooms that spread across the islands as well as mhoats themselves. Supporting this, their heads and vents give off a faint glow at all times, growing in intensity when they are near other light sources which would suggest they are actively feeding.

<a href="" class="display-item">Nixifly</a>


Category: Pets

Pet Species: Angelfly

Artist: Numiauri

This rare type of angelfly tends to appear during the First Light Festival and is drawn in by the various light motes that form from the magic being generated from both magic light displays as well as the turtonic ritual performed during the summer season. Unlike the standard angelfly that processes the magic existing naturally in their diet, these angelfly only seem interested in magic tied to this particular element which means they become much more elusive without constant sources of magically-generated light to feed from. For this reason, while they swarm during the summer season, they tend to prefer a much more solitary way of life any other time of the year.

<a href="" class="display-item">Eensie</a>


Category: Pets

Artist: Numiauri

These large slugs seek out sheltered places in the winter and reappear during the spring to feed on newly released spores. As they feed, they pick up the spores of moss which forms into a thick growth on their back, and eventually, seeds get caught in this growth which allows a variety of plants to grow on the backs of these slow-moving slugs. Large plants will dig into the soft fat stores on their backs and draw nutrients from the stores there with little detriment to the eensie themselves. Much of their diet comes through filter feeding from the air; consuming spores, small organisms, and other materials that get kicked up into the air whenever the ground is disturbed by passing creatures. Mynrosians like to keep these small creatures as miniature garden spaces when they lack space for a proper garden since they can grow larger plants and a wider variety than plant pots of the same size would allow.


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<a href=" Comet Slug" class="display-item">Rainbow Comet Slug</a>

Rainbow Comet Slug

Category: Pets

Pet Species: Meringue Slug

Artist: Numiauri

A rare meringue slug known for the rainbow trail its tail leaves when swiped across surfaces.


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<a href=" Frog" class="display-item">Slime Frog</a>

Slime Frog

Category: Pets

Artist: Numiauri

A frog-like creature that can be found in bodies of freshwater and island homes. Their primary role is to absorb water so it can be purified and desalinated when it is vented from the ocean into the various water sources of the islands. When kept in homes these little frogs tend to be used as a means to recycle water for various uses.

Pet Variations

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<a href=" Slug" class="display-item">Meringue Slug</a>

Meringue Slug

Category: Pets

Artist: Numiauri

Slinky, weasel-like creatures that produce an acidic liquid from the ends of their prehensile tails; using their tails they create complex warrens of tunnels where communities of these creatures seek out the roots of mushroom colonies to break down and feed on. Their dietary needs actively stunt the growth of new fungi and limit the expansion of the colonies they live under. Those who keep these slugs as pets often feed them a special diet to reduce their acidity so they can't cause damage around their homes.

Pet Variations

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<a href=" Rock" class="display-item">Pet Rock</a>

Pet Rock

Category: Pets

Artist: Numiauri

Little beach crabs that eat anything; they compress food into solid sandy grains.

Pet Variations

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<a href="" class="display-item">Cattypillar</a>


Category: Pets

Artist: Numiauri

Cattypillar are soft and cuddly creatures that are well-loved among mhoat; sweet and docile even when encountered out in the wild. They prefer nothing more than to laze about and soak up the sun, but their fast metabolism and singular focus when it comes to food mean they hunt voraciously for the various island parasites that hide underground among the roots of various mushrooms or just below the surface of larger mushrooms. Even burrowing under the ground to dig out a juicy morsel isn't beyond these otherwise lackadaisy little creatures, which is why mhoats that keep these little creatures of pets do well to keep a regular source of food around as they are prone to trouble.

Pet Variations

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<a href=" Grole" class="display-item">Burrowing Grole</a>

Burrowing Grole

Category: Pets

Artist: Numiauri

An elusive creature that lives underground; they eat the rot and roots of mushrooms.


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<a href=" Ray" class="display-item">Gliding Ray</a>

Gliding Ray

Category: Pets

Artist: Numiauri

Airborne creatures often kept by harvesters; their firey vents create thermals for gliding.

Pet Variations

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<a href=" Wyvern" class="display-item">Sea Wyvern</a>

Sea Wyvern

Category: Pets

Artist: Numiauri

Pack animals that eat ocean parasites; they are common pets among aquatic mhoats.

Pet Variations

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<a href="" class="display-item">Foxylotl</a>


Category: Pets

Artist: Numiauri

Freshwater counterpart of sea wyverns; they build nests into the sides of riverbanks.

Pet Variations

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<a href="" class="display-item">Snuffler</a>


Category: Pets

Artist: Numiauri

Snufflers are large foraging creatures that depend on nudiphym through a symbiotic relationship to aid them in keeping clean through regular grooming. In return, they consume mushrooms, plants, and many other meals close to the ground that release spores, pollen, and other small organisms into the air which their constant companions eagerly consume. Snufflers rarely spend time not seeking out food, consuming more and more, and growing continuously. Snufflers large enough to pull wagons and be used as mounts aren't uncommon, and Mynrosians will gladly befriend and watch over these creatures in return for easy transportation.


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<a href="" class="display-item">Nudiphym</a>


Category: Pets

Artist: Numiauri

Nudiphym are a group of lighter than air creatures that share a symbiotic relationship with snufflers. Their larger counterparts consume mushrooms, plants, and many other low to the ground meals that release pollen, spores, and a variety of other small organisms into the air for the much smaller nudiphym to feast on. Given how much food snufflers kick up into the air, it's common to see small colonies of these creatures following a single or several snufflers in groups. When not spending the vast majority of their time in the air, they will land directly on the snufflers and groom the various organisms that grow on a snuffler's hide.

Pet Variations

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<a href="" class="display-item">Angelfly</a>


Category: Pets

Artist: Numiauri

Angelfly are a common site across many of the islands of Mynros due to their general diet and ability to adapt to many different environments. While they may have a delicate appearance, these hardy little insects tend to thrive wherever they form a new hive. Given this and their ability to make honey from a diet of mushroom spores, nectar, and fermented fruits, they tend to be favored companions. A strong sense of loyalty also helps, as those who show them care or leave them treats will find they have a generous source of honey throughout the year.

Pet Variations

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<a href="" class="display-item">Caterpoggo</a>


Category: Pets

Artist: Numiauri

These creatures are well-loved among mhoats due to their long history of acting as protectors to the youngest and most vulnerable of their society. When not owned as pets, these small guardians can be found in a variety of both single and community nests where little mhoatlings live and grow. Wherever a caterpoggo lives it takes on the creatures that live there as its own, fighting off predators, and parasites, and helping move them away from dangerous weather or natural phenomena. They'll even go out of their way to provide for the creatures where they can, bringing preferred food and nudging them over to water whenever they sense a need, making them the perfect nanny for baby creatures.


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