
Single Color

Single Color (Standard)

Category: Vabbit Tones
Species: Vabbits

This color is applied to the plates and inner flesh but excluded from bones, teeth, eyes, and nails.

Double Color

Double Color (Standard)

Category: Vabbit Tones
Species: Vabbits

These colors are applied to the plates and inner flesh but excluded from bones, teeth, eyes, and nails.

Triple Color

Triple Color (Mutation)

Category: Vabbit Tones
Species: Vabbits

These colors are applied to the plates and inner flesh but excluded from bones, teeth, eyes, and nails.

Warm Tones

Warm Tones (Standard)

Category: Vabbit Tones
Species: Vabbits

Vabbits contain a lot of heat, so their plates tend to have warm tones as well, though there are colors that do not seem to fall under warm tones regardless. Cold tones specifically, however, are rare.

Pure grayscale, which has equal parts red, green, and blue, and therefore has a saturation of 0, defaults to a hue of 0° in most art programs. In reality, it is the exact same color no matter what degree of hue it is at, with the only possible change depending on brightness/value. Because of this, pure grayscale will fall under Warm Tones by default, if there is no other tone present that would fall under cool tones.

Cool Tones

Cool Tones (Mutation)

Category: Vabbit Tones
Species: Vabbits

Cool Tones have hues between 160° and  290° on the HSV or HSL scale. This section is mostly blue tones.

Pure grayscale, which has equal parts red, green, and blue, and therefore has a saturation of 0, defaults to a hue of 0° in most art programs. In reality, it is the exact same color no matter what degree of hue it is at, with the only possible change depending on brightness/value. Because of this, pure grayscale will count as Cool Tones only if there is another tone present that falls under cool tones.

Stained Glass Colors

Stained Glass Colors (Mythic)

Category: Vabbit Tones
Species: Vabbits

This trait is in place for any other Vabbit Body trait, negating the requirement of having both a Color and Tone trait and allowing for unlimited colors from any range.

This trait is, however, only allowed as long as the Stained Glass Plates trait is applied.

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