
Slinky Plates

Slinky Plates (Potion)

Category: Vabbit Plates
Species: Vabbits

This trait allows any plated section of the body to form a slinky-like coil. When applied to the limbs, two coils may form, but other parts of the body such as the head or areas affected by Body Plates may only have a single coil in total. When applied in a way that two sections form on the body or the limbs, the coil functions like the toy with the two parts functioning individually of each other with the momentum of the spring influencing movement. On limbs, this can cause a long loping gait and powerful kicks, but on the body, this can mean the front limbs move first and the back limbs catch up as the coil extends past a certain point.

Alternate Types
  • Slinky Body (Potion)
    Species: Mhoats

    This trait allows a slinky-like coil formed from goo to appear anywhere on the mhoat's body, even outside of the maximum goo range. When applied to the limbs, two coils may form, but other parts of the body may only form a single coil in total. The function of this coil is much like the toy, with the two halves of the body functioning individually from each other and being pushed and pulled by the momentum created by the coil, which can give them an odd gait or poor control of their movements.


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