
Grayscale Sclera

Grayscale Sclera (Standard)

Category: Vabbit Eyes
Species: Vabbits

Vabbits most commonly have either black or white sclera, but grays are not uncommon either.

Alternate Types
  • Greyscale Sclera (Standard)

    The trait has recently switched from international english to more US-styled english, and is therefore renamed "Grayscale Sclera".

    This version of the trait should not be on any character, if you spot this on a character, please let the administration know.

Colored Sclera

Colored Sclera (Mutation)

Category: Vabbit Eyes
Species: Vabbits

Sclera that contain even the slightest hint of color are rare among Vabbits.

Standard Pupils

Standard Pupils (Standard)

Category: Vabbit Eyes
Species: Vabbits

These type of pupils tend to be round or slit, and respond to light.

Shaped Pupils

Shaped Pupils (Standard)

Category: Vabbit Eyes
Parent Trait: Shaped Pupils (Standard)
Species: Vabbits

These type of pupils can be any shape, like hearts, stars, you name it. They do not respond to light, however.


Blind (Standard)

Category: Vabbit Eyes
Parent Trait: Blind (Standard)
Species: Vabbits

If a vabbit has absolutely no pupils, it is a sign of blindness. Blind Vabbits simply have no pupils.

Shaped Iris

Shaped Iris (Mutation)

Category: Vabbit Eyes
Parent Trait: Shaped Iris (Mutation)
Species: Vabbits

This trait causes a vabbit's iris to take on unique simple shapes; such as, crescents, heats, skulls, etc.

Beady Eyes

Beady Eyes (Standard)

Category: Vabbit Eyes
Species: Vabbits

Vabbits with this eye type form unusually small eyes that tend to be a singular color.


Eyeless (Standard)

Category: Vabbit Eyes
Parent Trait: Eyeless (Standard)
Species: Vabbits

Vabbits with this trait don't form eyes at all and their plating tends to fill in the space where these eyes would be.

Celestial Eyes

Celestial Eyes (Potion)

Category: Vabbit Eyes
Parent Trait: Celestial Eyes (Potion)
Species: Vabbits

This trait is only and always granted to vabbits that already have the Celestial Being trait applied.

Leviathan Eyes

Leviathan Eyes (Potion)

Category: Vabbit Eyes
Species: Vabbits

This trait is only and always granted to vabbits that already have the Leviathan trait applied.

Rabbit Ears

Rabbit Ears (Standard)

Category: Vabbit Ears
Parent Trait: Bunny Ears (Standard)
Species: Vabbits

These ears can either fold or flop downward. Both lop and upright ears would fall under this trait. This is the most common style of ears.

Vuline Ears

Vuline Ears (Standard)

Category: Vabbit Ears
Parent Trait: Kitfox Ears (Standard)
Species: Vabbits

These ears should either fold over, have inner ear fur, or be able to swivel and pin back away from the face.

Livestock Ears

Livestock Ears (Mutation)

Category: Vabbit Ears
Species: Vabbits

These ears range from short to long and tend to either stand upright and swivel away from a vabbits' vents or will flop over to protect the inner ear when steam is released. They tend to have less protective fur and resemble the ears of horses, cows, and mules.

Spiked Ears

Spiked Ears (Mutation)

Category: Vabbit Ears
Parent Trait: Spiked Ears (Mutation)
Species: Vabbits

These ears seem to have large, outward spikes and can have either very little fur or be fully covered. When using their vents, vabbits with this ear type will pin them back to protect the inner ear from the heat given off by steam.

Wrapping Paper Ears

Wrapping Paper Ears (Winter)

Category: Vabbit Ears
Species: Vabbits

This ear trait gives vabbits a unique type of ear that forms layers of a thick paper-like material that behaves similarly to the protective fluff sometimes seen in their ears. Each layer of this wrapping paper-like material has unique patterns and when it comes into contact with heat it will protect the ear while slowly wearing down and crinkling toward the base of the ear to reveal the next layer.

Droopy Ears

Droopy Ears (Mythic)

Category: Vabbit Ears
Species: Vabbits

This ear type is extremely long and droopy, often being as long as the vabbit is tall, and may even drag on the ground. Vabbits with this trait tend to tie up or braid their ears to keep them out of the way and protect the sensitive inner ear from their own steam.

Batty Ears

Batty Ears (Standard)

Category: Vabbit Ears
Parent Trait: Batty Ears (Standard)
Species: Vabbits

Vabbits with this ear type tend to have large, pointed ears that resemble those seen on bats. These ears tend to have some type of ridges present on the inside of the ear.

Ribbon Ears

Ribbon Ears (Mutation)

Category: Vabbit Ears
Species: Vabbits

These long springy ears can form in lose or tight coils that the vabbit can control at will and when using their steam they will often coil them into tight cones to protect the sensitive inner flesh of the ear.

Shaped Ears

Shaped Ears (Mutation)

Category: Vabbit Ears
Parent Trait: Shaped Ears (Mutation)
Species: Vabbits

This ear type allows a vabbit to have a variety of simply shaped ears (heart, star, music note, fish, etc.), these ears can be either upright or flop downward and vary from one vabbit to another.

Spiral Ears

Spiral Ears (Mutation)

Category: Vabbit Ears
Parent Trait: Spiral Shell Ears (Mutation)
Species: Vabbits

This unique ear type gives vabbits long, curling ears that can form into either soft or tight spirals that resemble sea shells.

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