Claim (#631) Approved

14 February 2024, 13:29:35 CST (2 months ago)
15 February 2024, 12:41:13 CST (2 months ago) by Numiauri
I understand you're likely going to disregard this message because I wasn't very active in this group.

My inactivity was entirely due to trying to balance work and social obligations, and as a result I was not able to draw much for either of the ARPG groups I was a part of. Up until recently I was fine with this group, but cleared my account and had my characters removed when my friend was blind-sided and told to step down from their role despite not meeting any of the criteria for removal. Speedy attacked my friend's character in dms and clearly holds disdain for their mental illness.

Speedy needs to change his behavior and apologize or he should not be the admin of an ARPG. His hostility and intolerance is pushing people away and making this place feel very unwelcome. I've seen the Lingua mod chat posts from December 2022 - it's clear his antagonistic demeanor has not changed. (BTW I find it incredibly odd to be an admin of an ARPG and have one of its active members blocked) Considering he went and accused my friend of lying after I posted my comment on that news post, I don't feel comfortable being in this group or talking directly to the mods via Discord until this is taken seriously.

Nobody told me to post this. My friend vented to me and I felt the need to speak up.