All Prompts

Beach Body Sweaty

Beach Body Sweaty

Category: Monthly Prompts
Ends: 31 July 2024, 23:59:59 CDT (4 days from now)

An influx of magic washes over the islands, making the outside air unbearable, with the beaches covered in scorching sands and an unpleasantly humid heat smothering everything.


An influx of magic washes over the islands, making the outside air unbearable, with the beaches covered in scorching sands and an unpleasantly humid heat smothering everything. Even the mushrooms, known to weather extreme temperatures due to their magical nature appear to be wilting under this sudden barrage of fire magic altering the normal environment from pleasantly tropical into outright sweltering. Ice magic, often used to keep cool during the summer warmth is dampened as well, providing only slight relief from the heat.

Only the bravest souls or those most immune to heat can brave the beaches, all other Mynrosians are likely to seek out a bit of cool no matter how scarce it may be. Fans, cool waters, icy treats, anything to stave off just a bit of heat during this unreasonable heatwave. How does your Mynrosian cope during this period? Do they brave the weather during this heatwave and make the best of it or find clever ways to beat the heat?

This submission option is for all pieces related to the monthly prompt theme!


  1. All participants in the creation of a piece must make an individual submission to earn rewards!
  2. You may make a submission no matter where your piece has been uploaded, they are all eligible for the listed rewards. (ex. DeviantArt, Twitter,, etc.)
  3. When making a submission, all characters included in the piece should be listed with the "Add Character" option by adding their code from the character masterlist (ex. M-0248, M-0069, V-0008, etc.)
  4. You do not need to manually add rewards to your claim, they will be granted automatically as a part of the prompt rewards.
  5. The minimum requirement for prompts is a flat-colored halfbody in a clearly depicted scene or a written piece with a word count of at least 1000 words.


Reward Amount
Caps 10
The Oracle's Task: Bughunt pt. 3 - Underwater Adventure

The Oracle's Task: Bughunt pt. 3 - Underwater Adventure

Category: Oracle Related
Ends: 31 July 2024, 23:59:59 CDT (4 days from now)

The oracle's shop assistant quickly presses a list into your hand and begs your assistance in seeking out some missing materials in return for a small reward.


Many a mhoat are stumbling upon a hidden away stall in a market or a doorway hidden away at the end of an alley. All of these various locations lead to a single shop either bare of all goods for first-time visitors or brimming with fantastical potions and unique pets for repeat visitors. Behind the counter is a pale blue mhoat with ghostly companions drifting around his form, he seems rather frazzled and quickly waves over whatever visitor might enter the shop.

The oracle's shop assistant quickly presses a list into your hand and begs your assistance in seeking out some missing materials in return for a small reward. It isn't often one goes shopping and finds themselves sent out on an errand, but can you really refuse such a pitiful-looking mhoat?

Oracle is back...and yet Guard's requests continue unchecked. Perhaps, Oracle is unaware of the requests or they are allowing the menace treats so customers will miss Leander's usual chaos. Either way, you are prepared for another month of suffering at the will of this little slime frog.

As you suspect, his request this time will take you below the waves, snorkeling among the corals to find a Feexl's favorite prey, Terror Worms. These colonies of parasitic organisms wrap around living coral and produce an acid that strips the coral of living organisms and leeches the color from their surface. The acid these creatures produce can irritate the skin of those they come in contact with and when under attack they can break the segments to allow part of their colony to escape to survive another day. This makes them quite tricky to capture, so Mynrosians looking for an easier time may prefer to seek out Glimmer Worms, a more passive variant found in coastal tidepools.

This submission option is for all pieces related to the Oracle Task!


  1. All participants in the creation of a piece must make an individual submission to earn rewards!
  2. You may make a submission no matter where your piece has been uploaded, they are all eligible for the listed rewards. (ex. DeviantArt, Twitter,, etc.)
  3. When making a submission, all characters included in the piece should be listed with the "Add Character" option by adding their code from the character masterlist (ex. M-0248, M-0069, V-0008, etc.)
  4. You do not need to add rewards to your claim manually, they will be granted automatically as a part of the prompt rewards.
  5. The minimum requirement for the oracle task is a flat-colored halfbody or a written piece with a word count of at least 500 words.


Reward Amount
Pearlescent Sporepuffs 5
Oracle Task: Underwater Adventure - Bugroll 1
The Oracle's Quest: Post-Bughunt Cleanup

The Oracle's Quest: Post-Bughunt Cleanup

Category: Oracle Related
Ends: 30 July 2024, 23:59:59 CDT (3 days from now)

[Get the Oracle Key here] The arrival of the Oracle, and a shop filled with fantastic potions and unique pets they have found on their travels.


A fresh wind slips across the islands, and with it, a familiar tingle runs down many a Mynrosian's spine. Those new to the sensation find themselves drawn to an out-of-the-way market stall or a doorway hidden in an alley, through which they find an empty shop save for a counter and a shopkeeper. Others who have experienced this feeling before know this sensation to be a quiet announcement of the arrival of the Oracle, and a shop filled with fantastic potions and unique pets they have found on their travels. In either case, many a Mynrosian will be drawn to the shop for a short period before she flits off once more.

No matter the customer, Oracle greets them with a mysterious smile and gestures them over to make a simple offer. While many come to shop, there are just as many who come for the odd generosity of this shopkeeper who requests the delivery of rare material in return for a large reward. For first-time visitors, this offer will also include an enchanted key that clears the illusion of emptiness that covers the store. Whether curious, charmed, or enticed by the reward how could anyone refuse such a request?

Oracle has returned to a shop full of...bug bits!?! if anyone had doubts about her knowledge of Guard's requests for the past months, they need not worry as the evidence is all over the store. No matter though, as Oracle has plenty of wonderful helpers who will "assist" her in cleaning up this mess.

Now if that assistance means Oracle sits back and begins some serious reading, it's a fashion magazine hidden behind a false cover, well they'll have to excuse her for being busy. Besides, the reward is fair and there is plenty of mess for all those who enter her shop seeking a quest to complete. She'll even overlook a few missed bug scraps since Guard does seem to be finishing his stash of delicious treats. All that matters is the shop looks tidier and those who assist receive fair rewards, lest the task fall to Leander on his return.

Sweep up, dust, and organize shelves, there are many little ways the shop can be tidied up for this month and plenty of ways it grew messy over these past months that prove putting Guard in charge of the shop wasn't the best of ideas.

This submission option is for all pieces related to the Oracle Quest!


  1. All participants in the creation of a piece must make an individual submission to earn rewards!
  2. You may make a submission no matter where your piece has been uploaded, they are all eligible for the listed rewards. (ex. DeviantArt, Twitter,, etc.)
  3. When making a submission, all characters included in the piece should be listed with the "Add Character" option by adding their code from the character masterlist (ex. M-0248, M-0069, V-0008, etc.)
  4. You do not need to manually add rewards to your claim, they will be granted automatically as a part of the prompt rewards.
  5. The minimum requirement for the oracle task is a shaded fullbody in a clearly depicted scene or a written piece with a word count of at least 1250 words.


Reward Amount
Pearlescent Sporepuffs 15
Foreseeing The Future 1
Oracle Key 1
Timeless Explorers

This submission option is for all pieces related to the Timeless Explorers repeatable activity!


Welcome to Timeless Explorers! If you're here, we're assuming you've seen the tent inside the shop. If not, consider this the optimal chance to do so.

For the every submission, please link your gallery submission in the URL and add your character.
Aside from the very first submission, the character sheet, please add in the comments what choice you are making- the choices you can make are given in the staff comments on each submission.

If you're collabing with a partner, please make sure to add both characters to the prompt submission and mention your partner's username. They will also be required to make their own prompt submission.
Be sure to talk your choices through- as a duo you're meant to effectively make the same choices, and thus if there are different choices we will take this as a sign you intend to split up.

This submission option is for all pieces related to the Timeless Explorers repeatable activity!


  1. All participants in the creation of a piece must make an individual submission to earn rewards!
  2. For Timeless Explorers, we will only accept submissions of which the piece is uploaded to the Timeless Explorers gallery.
  3. When making a submission, all characters included in the piece should be listed with the "Add Character" option by adding their code from the character masterlist (ex. M-0248, M-0069, V-0008, etc.)
  4. You do not need to manually add rewards to your claim, they will be granted automatically as a part of the prompt rewards.
  5. The minimum requirement for the activity differs depending on what part of the activity you are on. Make sure to read the staff comments on your last submission through.
    For the character sheet, we require at minimum a flat-colored halfbody to be added to the character sheet, as well as all relevant information to be filled in.
  6. Please note that writing is also allowed for this event, despite the focus on artwork. There will be a minimum word requirement on each activity.
    For the character sheet, you are allowed to describe the character in text, but you are also allowed to ask someone else to draw an image for you- your collab partner, for example.
  7. For collaborations, it is ALSO allowed that one partner does the art and the other does writing. However, both must match the requirements and need to be on a single gallery submission.
  8. Finally, please note that due to the nature of this event that your submissions may take a bit longer to be accepted. Our apologies in advance.


Reward Amount
Golden Dice 5
First Light Festival 2024

First Light Festival 2024

Category: Seasonal Events
Ends: 31 August 2024, 23:59:59 CDT (1 month from now)

Spring may have been a leisurely season, a transition from winter and its standstill and back into the daily work life so many mhoats find familiar and welcome.


Spring may have been a leisurely season, a transition from winter and its standstill and back into the daily work life so many mhoats find familiar and welcome. Now, though it's time for the endless buzz of activity that comes every summer across the mhoat islands. The First Light Festival is looming and the largest event in the mhoat calendar is sending every mhoat into preparation mode. Craftsmen have been commissioned by the various islands to make various wares, decorations, and other such items that vendors during the festival sell. Meanwhile, temples have been crafting their finest decorations to create beautiful altars where mhoats can make special offerings to the deities during the festival. Needless to say, there isn't much rest happening for anyone in the month leading up to the grand festivities and even less at its onset.

Alongside the anticipation of the festival, there is also the slightest shift in the weather across all the islands. The turtonics have begun their migration toward the tropical waters of the mhoat world, to gather and perform the magic ritual that will bring a new island into existence. Many mhoats will find early festival activities being set up on the various beaches and cliffsides of the islands, as everyone gathers to watch the migration as islands meet and travel in groups with one another until they eventually gather in the location, marking the start of the festivities.

Below are some of the activities you can take part in for this seasonal event!


Festival Fun

Beyond the core activities of the season, there is an entire sprawling festival covering the coastlines and main cities of each of the islands in attendance. The scale of the festival is so vast, that an individual could spend the entire season trying to experience all there is to offer and still not experience it all.

Stalls dot all the festival grounds with merchants selling various delicious foods, fair games, and a variety of goods created purely for the festival. It's common for friend groups to form and spend the day wandering the festival after making their offerings or viewing the progress of the migration. They may wander the food stalls trying the many foods on offer, some of which can only be eaten during this very festival. Full bellies lead to energy, so the festival games draw in the more excitable groups. Ring Toss, Dart Games, Dunk Tanks, and so many other games that one could hardly list them all are available for a bit of friendly competition.

Once energy is spent there are many places for sitting to rest while watching a variety of performers from singers, acrobats, dancers, and magic users for those attending the festival to appreciate. Or those who still wish to walk the festival may find themselves drawn to the various merchants selling festival-themed items, a trinket to take home to remember the occasion, from masks, charms, bags, and a variety of items.


Turtonic Ritual

Celebration across the islands peaks at the performance of the Turtonic Ritual, Mynrosians from all walks of life crowding the floating boardwalks that span the very center of the festival where the turtonics gather. It's here that they perform a grand feat of magic, the creation of a new turtonic island!

It will be years before these young turtonics leave their nursery clutches, and even longer before any creature of Mynros will settle on their backs, but even so their creation is a mark of progress, of hope for continued life in a world where Mynrosian's do their part, culling back mushrooms and rooting out parasitic creatures to improve the health of their island homes. For this reason, young turtonics are adored by the creatures of Mynros, and catching a glimpse of these young creatures after their creation is viewed as a sign of good fortune.

The completion of the ritual marks the winding down of festivities, the energy gathering before the event being let out in one grand celebration, and winding down as Mynrosians turn their mind toward the incoming autumn and preparations for winter.


Grand Light Display

Second only to the turtonic ritual, the grand light displays are something Mynrosians look forward to for months before the festival begins. Every year the island leaders gather various masters in the use of light magic to create grand displays that will fill the night skies of Mynros throughout the festival season.

These displays tend to be visual displays that depict ancient tales directly related to the festival itself. Some common themes on display are the creation of mhoats with Yel and Myn at its center, visual depictions of the turtonic ritual itself usually meant to prepare the young for the ritual itself, or the tale of Asteria whose light magic vanquished an endless night.

While these larger displays are dedicated to well-known tales, there are various displays that happen on a smaller scale throughout the festival grounds. These are often dedicated to other celestials from the pantheon or important figures from each island's history.


Hot Springs

A major aspect of First Light is that Mynrosians make offerings at the temples, in hopes of drawing the blessing of celestials who represent specific aspects of life. Livinia may bless those seeking fortune in love or a farmer may seek out Agrarius' favor to bless their crops to aid a bountiful fall harvest. Whatever the reason, there is a very important ritual that must be completed before any offering is made, the cleansing of a Mynrosian's magic.

To aid the influx of visitors during the festival, numerous small bathhouses open in the areas surrounding a temple. These hot springs, both natural and artificial become a place for Mynrosians to relax and contemplate their needs, to consider their offering of gifts and words that are meant to sway the celestial to their cause.

The ritual begins with a shower, washing away the accumulated grime of a day spent out in the press of crowds and the activity of the festival. Next, they sink into the warm waters of a communal pool where small citrus fruit are shared and calm chatter fills the air, relaxing the body and energizing the soul. Last, a fresh robe is donned, provided by the temples for those who go through the bathhouse ritual.

This submission option is for all pieces related to the First Light Festival seasonal event!


  1. Please list which activity you are submitting before when submitting a piece to earn the seasonal currency.
  2. All participants in the creation of a piece must make an individual submission to earn rewards!
  3. You may make a submission no matter where your piece has been uploaded, they are all eligible for the Saltie Shell value of the art. (ex. DeviantArt, Twitter,, etc.)
  4. When making a submission, all characters included in the piece should be listed with the "Add Character" option by adding their code from the character masterlist (ex. M-0248, M-0069, V-0008, etc.)
  5. You do not need to manually add rewards to your claim, they will be granted by the mods when tallying the value of the art.
  6. The minimum requirement for prompts is a flat-colored halfbody in a clearly depicted scene or a written piece with a word count of at least 1000 words.


No rewards.
MYO Slot Claim

This prompt is no longer required, you can now open MYO slots from your inventory. Use this only if you have extra questions, need some clarification, or if you notice an issue with your MYO slot.


This prompt is no longer required, you can now open MYO slots from your inventory. Use this only if you have extra questions, need some clarification, or if you notice an issue with your MYO slot.

(We may also use it for other purposes, such as for the use of adding add-on items to MYOs for MYO events.)


This submission option is for the creation of a MYO slot from the different MYO items available in the shops!


  1. In the URL section of the prompt fill with 'claiming MYO slot'.
  2. Please include if the MYO slot is for a Land Mhoat, Aquatic Mhoat, Vabbit, or Pet; any other details can be included when submitting the design.
  3. Include the item you are converting to a MYO slot from your inventory, if the item is not present then the claim will be rejected.
  4. Purchased MYO slots don't need to be claimed using this prompt, they will be processed directly by the mods when the slot is paid for.

Submissions to this prompt are hidden.


No rewards.
Masterlist Updates

This prompt allows users to apply their own title to a design, update the character linked to a custom pet, revert a design to a previous appearance, or apply co-ownership status to a design!


This prompt allows users to apply their own title to a design, update the character linked to a custom pet, revert a design to a previous appearance, or apply co-ownership status to a design!


  1. In the URL section of the prompt fill with either 'Title Update', 'Updating Pet Link', or 'Design Revert'.
  2. Please include the link to the masterlist entry of either the species you want the title created for or the species and pet masterlist entries you want to be linked.
  3. Two forms are included below, fill out the relevant form for your request.


'Title Update' Form

Masterlist Entry: Place link here

Theme: List the theme you'd like your character to have


'Updating Pet Link' Form

Pet Masterlist Entry: Place link to the masterlist entry of the pet you want to have the link added

Owner Masterlist Entry: Place link to the masterlist entry of the character you want linked to the pet


'Design Revert' Form

Masterlist Entry: Place link here

Previous Appearance: Link previous appearance, this can usually be found on the 'Images' page which can be viewed from the menu on the left of a design's masterlist entry


'Apply Co-ownership' Form

Masterlist Entry: Place link here

Username: Name of the user on site you wish to co-own with


No rewards.
Off-site Cap Rewards

Miscellaneous artwork/literature/etc. not submitted to the site's gallery can be submitted here to receive the general RoM currency, caps! (check details for rules/guidelines)


This submission option is for any pieces not submitted to the gallery on site!


  1. All participants in the creation of a piece must make an individual submission to earn rewards! This includes collaborators, those receiving gift art, or a commissioner looking to redeem the piece for caps.
  2. You may make a submission no matter where your piece has been uploaded, they are all eligible for cap rewards. (ex. deviantart, twitter,, etc.)
  3. Caps will be rewarded based upon the information listed on the Earning Caps page.
  4. When making a submission, all characters included in the piece should be listed with the "Add Character" option by adding their code from the character masterlist (ex. M-0248, M-0069, V-0008, etc.)
  5. When making a submission you will need to fill out the form below as it can affect the total caps you earn.

Modifiers: Personal, Collab, Gift Art (artist/receiver), Commission, Trade, etc.
Reused Work Details: Is this a base/ych? Yes or no.
Word Count: For literature submissions only, the word count affects the total caps earned.


Reward Amount
Caps 0
Cap Booster Claim

Prompt for claiming Cap Booster rewards on any artwork submitted to the on-site gallery.


This submission option is for additional rewards from a cap booster for pieces submitted to the on-site gallery!


  1. Cap booster must be included as an add-on to this claim to be processed.
  2. You may only use a cap booster once per art piece, no double claims will be accepted.
  3. Compilation images (images where multiple characters are placed on individual backgrounds to increase earnings) will only have the cap booster applied to an individual image, not the entire piece with all images.
  4. When claimed, the reward will be x2 of whatever value the piece has already gained from being submitted to the gallery. For example, if your art piece earned 10 caps through gallery submission, then you would receive 20 caps from this claim which brings the total earned on the piece to 30 caps. This would fulfill the x3 that is listed in the item description for the cap booster.
  5. A cap booster can be used up to a month following a piece being submitted to the gallery; so, if a piece were submitted on October 15th, you'd be able to submit a claim until November 15th the following month.
  6. When submitting this claim, be sure to include a link to the gallery submission you wish to apply the cap booster.


No rewards.
9 results found.