Site News

Purrideful First Light Festival 2024

Posted 1 month ago :: Last edited 1 month ago by PromptoBeans

News Header

"Hello my dear Mynrosians! I heard from a very fuzzy source that there happened to be a furry fuzzy hunt going on~ So I guess this summer is starting out quite furry and purrideful, you could say! As it is June, the month of pride, with that it's time for a purrideful hunt and a furry box from the pet shop~ I hope you all enjoy the fun tasks about and the month in general~ A small note about the hunt, there is no extra reward besides the hunt items. Well them and I guess you could say you also get a lot of fuzzy feelings (from all the catfur.)"

Purride Month 2024 Scavenger Hunt

Event Header

"Speaking of summer, the First Light Festival is here! Which on the note of festivals, the Spring fest is now at a close and the adoption fair seems to have had some luck handing out pets! How wonderful~ Congratulations to Bio-zuzu, Fulgarite and PromptoBeans for helping out and adopting some cute pets. There are some plans for the unadopted pets, but we'll leave you in suspense for now..

Back to the First Light Festival, it is here and that does include some of it's festivities, such as the Turtonic Ritual and the Grand Light Display. Although I heard they had a new ritual that deals with cleansings and Hot Springs. Alongside it, if you enter for it, there may be a badge for those who join in on the new ritual and of course, in general! At least it's not too hot to do so for now, so probably best to hop in fast before the summer heat swarms in and melts your bones~"

Oracle Task (Guard)

"Which as always, there are new pets and traits for the First Light Festival and maybe even a brand new trait category for a certain species~ Which, speaking of pets, I do want to note about the new Oracle task as well. It seems the bug hunt is still on and that there is a new hunt for a few new pets there as well! I heard one is quite purrfect so I may go out and help on this one. Just this once!"

Event Header

"There are some minor news for updates as well:

  • Two New Pride Pets: The Pride Mollucera and the Pride Tampukin!
  • The Tricrabbytops pet species has been renamed to Mollucera.
  • Pet variations are now more easily visible in the encyclopedia.
  • In fact, there are many new methods to focus on pets only: sort functions, search functions and new pages.
  • A Pet Variations page has been created- it is a work in progress, but it may be finished soon..
  • Pet species added as traits: Ambrosia Fish, Boxy Cat, Candy Llama, Mollucera, Nyatsdis, Onyan, Possum Eel, Sashimimi, Telefish and Wooly Raptor.
  • Added per June 5th: There is a new Subtype Visual Trait Index, showing only traits that a certain Subtype can have- and with a switch that allows you to include basic species traits as well.

With that, on to the prompt~"

Bowling Full of Fun

"With this month's prompt it seems everyone is having a bowling full of fun time~ There also seems to be some Mynrosians handing out a badge- wait a patch! To those who join in on the fun. It's unsure if the Mynrosians are giving them out as a party prize or what but it does seem to draw in more and more Mynrosians. So good luck to them and maybe hop on into the fun. I may even join if they have lighter bowling balls or I'm afraid my bones might snap!"

News- Gesture

"Now, do take care this summer and happy purride month everyone~"

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News Outro

Pranks, Pets and Pollen

Posted 2 months ago :: Last edited 2 months ago by Speedy

News Header

"Hello dear Mynrosians! I hope you all have had a good month~ The studio did not however, those pranks last month really got out of hand! They were just so fun that uh.. I may have joined in...."

News- Nervous

"Onto some good news though! Before they realized I was the one to prank the studio and break my bones, I only got bones! Anyyyyways! It seemed all of those loose pets were all wrapped up and caught so no more pets invading houses stories. And no more food snatchers, I heard about so many picnics that had gotten ruined by those pet stealing only the food. Although if you'd like to snag one of those lil' cute rascals, please check out the pet shop~ I do want to note that the pet raffles and this seasonal event will be ending this month so if you'd like to snag any of those, please do~"

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"Speaking of pets! Those mysterious “freebie” pets have been taken in by the Oracle and not only that! It seems they have a new task of catching more type of pets. I wonder what they are doing with all of those pets... I guess they are one heck of a pet hoarder for sure!"

Oracle Task (Guard)

"There are some minor news for updates as well:

  • The former Pet species Subtypes have been replaced with Pet species Traits! Now only the main Mynrosian species subtypes are left.
    • Speaking of, a few Pet species have been added as traits. More will be added in the nearby future.
  • There is a brand-new Glossary Page, courtesy of Bio-zuzu - you can find it under the Info menu.
    • We are aware that the letter link-bar on the Glossary Page is currently hovering over the navigation menus. It's being looked into.
  • The Earning Caps page has been updated to look more organized.
    • Additionally, we've decided that Custom Pets, as in those with a Masterlist Entry, count as an Extra Character rather than for the Pet Bonus. Which means two Custom Pets counts as two extra Mynrosians.
  • You can now quickly see on a User's Characters page which are available for gift art or writing! Just hover over the !
  • Previously, the Items and Traits sections of the Encyclopedia occassionally repeated items/traits, hiding others in the process. This long-time bug is officially fixed!
  • A bunch of new traits dropped!

Otherwise onto the prompt!"

Garden Madness

"Now I'd say it's time for me to stay more indoors but I'm already doing that! I'm glad to not be much of a nature fan as it's been quite the sneeze-y month as so many Mynrosians have been suffering by all of the pollen that's around. Nature has been doing SO well that it's quite mad and in full bloom! So be careful and take care everyone! With the Spring Event ending this month and Summer right around the corner, hopefully the pollen will die down by then."

News- Gesture

"Make sure to mask up and protect yourselves from all of that pollen. So take care and have a good month~"

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News Outro


Posted 3 months ago :: Last edited 3 months ago by Admin

RoM WBD '24 Guest Artist Sign-ups!

Posted 4 months ago :: Last edited 4 months ago by Speedy

Realm of Mynros is looking for temporary guest artists to take part in a big sale that will release on World Baking Day- the third Sunday of May.
As for World Baking Day 2024, it falls on the 19th of May!

For this year's World Baking Day event, we're opening Guest Artist sign-ups for a specific theme: Baked Breads!
We're not very strict on theming, however, as long as it's even remotely related we will allow it.
We are looking for designers for Mhoats and Vabbits. We will also be releasing a few new traits on World Baking Day that GAs will be allowed to use for their designs!

So, please read the requirements below and apply to be considered as one of the potential artists for this advent!


  • All participants will need to have a PayPal or some other means to accept online payment when their design is claimed.
  • You must have a Discord account. All designers will be expected to join a server for the duration of the advent to share designs, receive feedback, and finalize sales.
  • All sales will go directly to the artist, no percentage cut will be taken from the design sales for any of our GAs.
  • Artists will be able to make 1-2 designs total. Perhaps more, if there is a low turnout.
  • Designs being sold for a set price should have a minimum price of $25, but artists will be able to choose to use the alternate sales method of the Offer to Adopt style format instead.
  • All designs may only be posted from the day the design is released to the public and onward.
  • Designers will need a Realm of Mynros ( account to see when their design sales and follow up with contacting their buyers.
  • All artists are encouraged to post their adopts on other platforms (DeviantArt, Twitter,, etc.), but your post should link back to the main sales post on Realm of Mynros to encourage those interested in the design to check out the site as well.
  • Finally.. Please refrain from concepting before you have been accepted as a GA, unless you intend to use the design for personal use in the case you are not picked. Additionally, do not message the mods to share ideas ahead of time as we cannot guarantee that a design theme will be available to use until the GAs are picked.
Sale Schedule
March 20th to April 3rd:
Artist Sign-ups
April 4th:
Artists picked, invites sent out
April 4th to May 5th:
Design Period
May 19th:
Sale Release

Click here for the sign-up form!

Eventful Spring Fest 2024

Posted 4 months ago :: Last edited 4 months ago by PromptoBeans

News Header

"Hello my dear Mynrosians! I hope you all are doing well! For me, I just have this Spring in my bones, making me bouncy~ I guess that's because the Spring Fest has just started!!"

Event Header

"For this Spring Fest we have quite a bit in store for you, so I hope you are ready~ First there are new traits, most are plant worthy but one is quite musical, I heard. Not only that there are two new pets as well as two new badges! One for the main event and the other for the adoption fair that's in town~ Now I also heard that the adoption fair is raffling off some pets every time you enter for it! How neat is that!! So make sure to go check it out~"

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For more information, check the Spring Fest 2024 - Adoption Fair sales post.

"With that, on to the prompt~"

Loose Pets

"Now for the prompt, not only did the adoption fair come out here but it also seemed a lot of pets got loose! They offer a free lil' pet to anyone who rounds up these runaway pets! So please try to catch some and help return these cute lil' guys!"

The Loose Pets you can earn is one of the following: Kittyglo, Boxy Cat, Naked Cattypillar, Candy Llama, Ambrosia Fish, Possum Eel, Nyatsdis, Wooly Raptor and Telefish.

News- Gesture

"Now that's all for now, I hope everyone has a wonderful Springy March~"

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News Outro

Timeless Newspost

Posted 5 months ago :: Last edited 5 months ago by Speedy

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"Hello my dear Mynrosians! I hope you all are having a wonderful February so far~ May I say, I hope you are excited for the things we have planned for you!

This is the last month to the Starlight Gala and I'd like to give it a little boost before the season changes~ Alongside the snow storm the winter has given us!!! I heard it's going to be a very cold Valentines, a cold that's so cold my bones will be frozen to the spot!"

Cold Valentines

"There are some minor news for updates as well:

  • Our old OA Oboe has stepped down due to mental health reasons. We wish you the best of health and luck in your future endeavors!
  • We did bring in two new OAs, though! After their great adopt set as GAs, restingden and BnG will be popping in to help out!
  • The new OAs are now available to be seen on the OA customs page, although be sure to check if they are open or not!
  • All rarities have been updated, all seasonal mythics and the potion mythic have been renamed to disclude the mythic part.
  • Awards on the Awards page are now smaller and more easily viewed.
  • Sakura Faux Horns are now updated and no longer differentiate between v1 and v2. You can still see the old 'v2' as variation trait, but should not be used on character designs updates.
  • The sublists for Mhoats, Vabbits and Pets have been updated to list characters of the respective species, rather than character category. This allows, for example C-0008: Skylar, to show up in the Mhoats sublist as well.
  • We've added a distinction for C-0001: Yel and C-0002: Myn; they are now known as Precursors, rather than Mhoats.
  • Pet Subtypes are out- Pet Species traits are in! This to provide better visibility in both the overall subtypes and the pet species. All pets have been updated accordingly.
  • And a few more smaller updates, mostly in terms of Lorekeeper Quality of Life..

Otherwise let me hand this over to Paprika! I heard he has something special to say~"

"...Yeah, I gotta say I'm disappointed you did the intro without me! And I'm pretty sure you forgot to mention Leander got another task lined up.."

The Oracle's Task: Calefaction Cup

"...I don't think this idea of his is a good idea at all, but who knows, maybe some Mhoat or Vabbit can find use for this.. hot item.

But I digress- HELLO FANS EVERYWHERE! Remember that shop I mentioned when we were all sick as.. uh.. well, very sick? Months ago, let's just say months ago. I mentioned that a .. haa.. MYSTEEEERIOUS WIZARD had opened shop, and he wanted you to imagine an adventure set in a fantasy world.. and.. all that jazz. Well, Pol..itely said, that shop is now ACTUALLY OPEN!! Yay!.. and there's.. a tent set up in there. Not sure why. Hey Inky, didn't you have a note about it here somewhere..?"

Timeless Explorers

"Ah, here it is.. Ahem. The Timeless Explorers Welcome All! Go on an adventure beyond your wildest dreams and imagination, in the fantasy world of.. Wait, I thought this was meant to be a history course, not a game? Apparently it's a table top.. role playing game?? Like, a board game? I'm not sure if I understand, but alright.. According to this note, it says there are special prizes to be won the more sessions are run, and that there is a big special reward for those who finish the entire campaign.. Hrm.. And you can join as a party of.. two? Maybe I should see if JB has interest in this.."

Timeless Shop

"I do gotta say, oddity of the tent aside, there are some cool things in this so-called Timeless Shop. Sure, most of it is decorative, but who doesn't like little knick-knacks. I bet there are some folk out there who would carry these items with them."

"Anyway, here's this month's art spotlight!.. Hey, I think I know some of the folk drawn here, neat!"

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"That's about it for this update, y'got something to finish with, Inkwell? Ah, right, you're busy, hey, at least wave for the folk at home!"

News Outro

"Pap out~!"

New Year and Lots of Fun

Posted 6 months ago :: Last edited 6 months ago by PromptoBeans

News Header

"Hello my dear Mynrosians! It's been a while since I saw you all! It's been so long that I only remember I seeing you last year!!! Hah! I kid~

Happy New Years Everyone and I hope you all have a lovely year~ Let's make this one a wonderful one!"

Event Header

"Now I may be a tad bit late since last month- It's just my old bones got all creaky and cold from all of this snow! But let me still point out the Starlight Gala event. As always, there are some fun new pets in the shop, some new traits and some awards to snag when joining the event! This time, I hear you can get your fortunes read for a bonus trinket! So make sure to draw or write your way in~ Thought do be careful, I also heard some of those fortunes can hit you on the nose so hard that it'll make it glow! Can't be to careful with all the magic the Oracle can whip up. Although they do have a need for mushrooms and soil. So you may get lucky by helping them out and not have your nose glow!"

Starlight Gala Event Header

"There are some minor news for updates as well:

  • You now get a Cakey Loot in your birthmonth, as birthday gift! (You need to have at least your birthmonth publicly visible for members.)
  • Prompts can now be viewed on a seperate page!
  • Placed comments can now have their history viewed! (Only comments edited after December 24th 2023, however.)
  • Want to protect your account? We got two-factor authentication now.
  • Comments now use a WYSIWYG editor, allowing for more customization options!
  • You can now draft a submission, even cancel it back to draft if you made a mistake!
  • The Species visual trait index will now have small pop-ups if you click on them, for more information!
  • You can copy the character code, for any non-MYO character, by clicking the little icon next to their name on the ML entry!
  • We now have a space up front showing the most recent news and one random open design still for sale!
  • In the Gallery, subgalleries now show up properly in the sidebar, and up to three generations of subgalleries are shown.
  • And many, many more smaller updates, a lot of which Realm of Mynros already had..

Otherwise onto the prompt!"

New Resolutions??

"Time to make New Year Resolutions! Wait- Did I finish my last ones? One second. I'll be right back I swear-"

*crackling noise* "...did Inkwell just storm out of the booth... wait, in the middle of a recording?.. And he knocked over the camera.. THAT DUMB SKELET- No, I don't mean you, man, I mean Inkwell, y'know.. let's see where can I pick up.. Ah, whatever."

"HELLO FANS EVERYWHERE!.. Yes, I've been sick, Inkwell's got.. I don't even know, a lack of muscles probably.. So we kind of missed out on last month's newspost.. Uhh.. Okay, okay. To continue from where I think he left off.. New Resolutions, huh.. Whew, last year I wrote that I wanted to become even more famous than I already was, and that was clearly a great success!.. I think. ANYWAY."

New Years 2024

"Apparently, just like last year, we got a Cakey Loot for everyone as well as a cool new badge.. The badge. Hm.. It.. it looks kinda.. familiar.. Doesn't it? Ah well. On that note, the Cakey Loot was also spread at the start of this month as birthday gift to everyone who we know was born this month.. If yours is this month, be sure to check you got one! If you don't, you might want to let us know.. and ofcourse, change your.. uh.. settings?.. What even is this note.."

Oracle Quest

"Okay, so the old bones mentioned the Oracle wanting mushrooms and soil, but did he even specify the Oracle intends for the mushrooms to be cook into delicious meals?.. Wait a sec.. And there's a note on the floor, ofcourse there is.. Ah, okay, and the Oracle would like to state that they got everything in stock this month!... Everything? Whew, that's pretty sweet, means we have a lot of options this time around."

"Next up should be the spotlig- wait, wait wait, I forgot. I should be pointing out that we still got some sweet raffles open."

Raffle: M-0472
MhoatsWinter Mythic
Frozen Cranberry
Design: BnG ・ Art: BnG

Enter Here

Draw gift art to enter the raffle, click the link above!

Raffle: V-0082
Gentle Snow
Design: restingden ・ Art: restingden

Enter Here

Free to enter the raffle, click the link above!

"Okay, cool, hope everyone can enter those.. Now onto the spotlight as is usual from us~"

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"Well, that should be all.. I hope Inkwell didn't leave out anything important.. Where did he even run off to?... Ah well."

"Pap out~!"

A New Year Full of Mynros Goodness

Posted 6 months ago :: Last edited 6 months ago by Speedy

Hello members and guests of the Realm of Mynros!

Our apologies for the lack of news post last month, as well as the general lack of updates.
We had quite a few updates planned, but unfortunately we had to deal with a few affairs that took most of our attention these last few months..
Least of which was the fact that indeed the majority of the admin team had fallen ill during the fall season, and the sickness funk hung around for a while..

On that note, thanks to BnG and restingden for working on a little adopt set to keep us going- two of them are raffles and others are still for sale.

As you may have noticed, especially if you're in the Discord server, the site recently updated to the Lorekeeper 3.0.0 Release Candidate!
It took a few days to sort everything out, and it's entirely possible there's still bugs. If you find any, please either report them on site or in the #bug-squashing channel on Discord!

We'll be posting a proper newspost soon, but for right now..

We of the admin team would like to wish you all a happy and healthy 2024!

A Bad Start to a New Month

Posted 8 months ago :: Last edited 8 months ago by Speedy

"This thing on..?" *cough* "Sounds like it.. that cough echo'd throughout the sound booth.. Right.."

"HELLO FANS EVERYWHE-GHGH.. Echem.. So, as always, I'm called in late and I'm once again here without proper contract.. Though I can't really blame 'em this time.. Turns out some virus gone 'round the place, and pretty much everyone has gotten sick! Even I have gotten the bug, despite being here, what, once a month.. Eesh.."

🎲 Past Adventure! 🎲

"..Oh, this has to be.. Ah fine, whatever.. A mysterious mhoat only referred to as The Wizard has set up shop nearby.. They offer an excursion into a different world!.. Or at least, the world of your imagination! Oooooh~!

You can participate simply by imagining what sort of Past Adventure you'd have.. or by.. er.. Hrm. It seems that the shop isn't actually fully opened yet. I just heard that Po.. er.. The Wizard also has fallen ill. Still, the thought exercise stands."

Oracle Task

*cough* "With the Oracle out again, Leander is looking for assistance! He seems to be doing better than usual.. Unlike the rest of us, haahAGHGHg- sorry, sorry..

Anyway, the Oracle's assistant requires assistance in gathering mushrooms!.. Just.. mushrooms. Sample mushrooms. From high places, low places, dry places, wet places.. It seems the research is focused on common magic!"


"There've been more updates to.. the.. site? Whatever the site is. Here they are:

  • User Profiles has been somewhat updated, the character section now looks clean and fits more on the page. Finally, it's been moved above the gallery submissions.
  • The User Sidebar has also been updated, Characters have been split off from the User section and there's a new dedicated Masterlist section to find characters that the user is designer or artist of. The Gallery section has also been moved downward, right above history.
  • Realm of Mynros in general has been updated to Lorekeeper 2.1.3. This solves a few bugs, some of which were resolved by our very own techie Speedy.
  • The base primal Magic trait images have had a minor overhaul to make them look different in each stage, as is the placeholder. We're still working on magic, and we repeat our apologies that it's taking so long. There were other priorities, unfortunately.
  • Following this, the Magic Schema has also had a very minor update, aesthetically. Mostly to differentiate the traits, due to the above image update.
  • The Wizard has been leaving tracks all over the site. Management would like to apologize for the delay in their official release as well, but it seems that even nearly all the staff above has fallen ill.

Tricky Treat

"The final month of the Slumbering Feast and the final month for the trickiest of treats! Remember to pick one up before the month ends!"

*cough* "And the final point of the month, our spotlight! Wonder if someone left art of anyone I know this month.."

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"Well, that should be it.. It seems last month has been quite busy, but mostly with being sick, ugh.. Let's see if things will be better soon."

"Pap out~!"

Spooky Scary Party Skeletons

Posted 9 months ago :: Last edited 9 months ago by Speedy

"...So, first and foremost, while I'm on mic and audible, I'm formally requesting a proper d*BEEP* contract for future broadcasts. I keep getting called in at like last minute to be the old bones' replacement and I got asked last time why I keep being 'so late' with my broadcast. . .. Ah well."

"HELLO FANS EVERYWHERE! So the folk here have like no idea where the resident pile of bones is, and apparently instead of setting up a search party for him, they got in contact with me again to do this thing. You'd think they got more respect for their longtime employee.. I mean, dude's all bones, they pulled him from the grave just to host this thing!.. Haha, just kidding, of course.. Let's move on."

Scare Party

"So, the annual SCARE PARTY is up and.. this is the first one? That's.. okay. Please don't write annual on my cue card then.. . Anyway, it's underway and it seems folk are having fun scaring others and getting scared. I'm not sure why scaring folk is that much fun, if you're gonna do surprises or pranks, they should be silly, all this spooky stuff.. Nah, s'not for me.

Apparently one location is very popular due to the realistic-looking skeleton they got running around.. One report states that they .. uh.. were.. surprised that the skeleton was chasing them to ask for.. interviews.. wait a tick.. Nah, it can't be, can it.. Never mind all that.

Oracle Quest

"Well, the resident Oracle is back and the prices in their store are back to.. I refuse to call this cheap, it's more a normal price. That assistant must be overpricing folk. It's why I don't check the place out when the Oracle ain't around! Just no use in it.

Either way- the collectathon the assistant made us go through, to find those elemental materials.. It seems the Oracle is curious what we'd do with them. Meanwhile, the assistant is asking for a final ingredient- Fossilized Remnants.. which is, in turn, one of the materials to work with! All quite interesting. Not really my thing, though."


"I've been told that there was a mix-up and they forgot to announce.. more updates last month. Here they are:

  • There is now a Full Inventory option in your Home Inventory! Find all your items held by all of your characters!
  • All Inventories can be shown summarized in a similar manner as the Full Inventory. Just click the button in the top right of your inventory!
  • Administration continues to apologize for the lack of magic prompt. It has apparently been very busy lately.
  • The Magic Schema apparently has some minor differences for those unable to use some magic- biggest victim of this are Vabbits.
  • Currencies now have proper descriptions, essentially adding some more lore.
  • Some traits and items have had their descriptions altered to be more accurate and specific, and others still finally got a description.

Tricky Treat

"One final note before I move on: We're still in the middle of the Slumbering Feast.. and that means there's a Tricky Treat for ya in the event store! For free! In fact, there's one each month.. I hope all of you remembered to pick it up last month- and take this as a reminder to do it this month. And of course- next month!

Now, onto the monthly spotlight! Did your art make it in? Probably! We're not very picky."

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"Anyway, that's it for today, I found a distinct lack of refreshments in my dressing room and I just heard there was ONCE AGAIN no footage, just audio.. This won't do. I'm not gonna come back if this keeps being like this... Ah well, sorry fans, I should stop complaining and get to more direct action.."

"Pap out~!"