Voided (X)MhoatsMutation ・ Pressed Petals

Profile X-0037: Banshee

Owned by Oboe
Image #559
In the rich text editor:
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[X-0037: Banshee](https://www.mhoats.com/character/X-0037)

For Thumbnails:
In the rich text editor:
In a comment:
[![Thumbnail of X-0037: Banshee](https://www.mhoats.com/images/characters/0/559_WCrF8tQVwm_th.png)](https://www.mhoats.com/character/X-0037)

This design has been voided by their current owner and can be un-voided by new or current owners if they wish to do so.

13 December 2022, 16:47:40 CST

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