Mhoat (M)MhoatsMutation ・ Potent Affliction

Profile M-0306: Kouki/Cookie✧

Owned by restingden

Kouki specializes in potions and all things relating to. He's typically on the prowl for ingredients to further his concoctions. Kouki comes off as bored and aloof thanks to his general manorisms. However those who come to know him will find he's very interested in what you have to say, he just speaks when he has something to contribute to the conversation. Kouki is self aware that he may appear intimidating to some, having no qualms with utilizing this to his advantage. Pushing those away which he himself can't seem to get along with. This is a rarity in itself as he's tolerant of most.

Kouki speaks beyond his years, he's a traveler of sorts. Oftentimes,his tales make little to no sense to those who wish to hear about them. He makes little effort to ensure they are true.

A topic which Kouki speaks fondly of, is his family. Although it is clear his thoughts about his older sibling aren't always the kindest, he still hopes the best for them. 

A topic which Kouki finds exhausting and one he cannot get behind, is speaking about royals. Being a royal himself, he doesn't think it's anything worth gawking over. It's common for Kouki to exit when this topic is brought up. Bores him to no end.

Kouki does respond to the name 'Cookie'. Unless he doesn't like you, then he won't respond at all. But that's a given. 

A lot of the times, Kouki will wander on his own. He doesn't truly feel lonely as he can remedy this by going to another world in an instance. Explaining why he is absent for weeks at a time.

Note; he doesn't talk nor show that he's figured out how to go to and from worlds (aka me dumping him into other arpgs lmaoo) 

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