July News

Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by PromptoBeans

News Header

"Hello everyone! I hope you lovely lil mhoatlings are having a good month! Although I heard some of you will be busy fighting art! That is... well, something. I'm not sure if it counts as a crime. Anyways, let's uh... continue!!!"

News Welcome

"We've recently had a few sales going on and I'd like to point out all the lovely lil mhoats out to snaggle! They are all so fun and cute, makes me want to write all about them~ Though I am only told to mention them as to not make the news post about 50 thousand pages long... Along with the sales, we have found a new subspecies! The kelpies!!! I heard that they are being researched as of now! Hopefully I'll have more information to report on as your lovely newscaster, Inkwell!"

Sales - https://www.mhoats.com/sales

Halloween Advent Guest Artist Sign-ups! - https://www.mhoats.com/news/12.halloween-advent-guest-artist-sign-ups

"With the spooky season around the corner, I heard the mod(erate) mhoats are searching for the spoopiest mhoat makers to help them! So please be sure to check that out if you like making all things creepy or crawly~ Which I'd like to now mention that mhoats now have titles on their masterlist with their creation themes! So you can now search up themes or just have it for looks. Because of this, we've also got a prompt set up so you may ask for a theme for your lil mhoat! As well as any MYO pet ownership changes~"

Prompt Header

"Well! After all those reallllyy spooky stories, I am ready to get up and go outside! Got to shake my old bones before they get stiff and everything. Seems like there are some new food stalls by the beach as well as a lot of mhoats trying to cool off. Which is understandable! While I prefer the indoors it just gets so hot! Be sure to check out all the details in the activities area for the prompt!"

News- Wave

"Now onto this month's raffle! We have another lil oH MY GOD WHAT IS THAT! I uh.. oh god. I mean, oh geezus. Um, a mhoat. Please take it. Anyway... I'd also like to say, Arcanepursuit, has won the previous Mhoat that was for Raffle! Congratulations!!! For this new mhoat, we would also like for you to comment to enter! You can get an additional entry for advertising the raffle by linking the news post like before."

  • Commenting below will get you one entry.
  • Advertising this News post/Raffle will earn you another entry.
  • The Raffle will end on the 1st of the next month.


"Here is the wonderful art for the month as well!"

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News Outro



Oboe Avatar
Wow, thank you for such a lovely news post! ;w; Seeing so much of my work featured makes me smile, and seeing all the other artwork that users made to celebrate Pride last month! -cracks knuckles- I am, of course, wanting to enter the raffle for this candy cane friend. >:3 I hope that, if I don’t win, the new owner will let me draw them!! Advertised here: https://toyhou.se/~bulletins/839129.mhoat-raffle-

2022-07-01 14:36:08

PromptoBeans Avatar
PromptoBeans Staff Member
Thank you, your tickets has been awarded!

2022-07-01 14:38:36

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