<a href="https://www.mhoats.com/world/items?name=Lovebite Vamish" class="display-item">Lovebite Vamish</a>

Lovebite Vamish

Category: Pets

A lovely variant of vamish that appears primarily in the spring, this impish little creature is known for its lovebites which cause its prey to become docile so it can feed unbothered. Similar to the standard vamish, these creatures will launch out of the water and fly short distances using their long wing-like fins. However, where vamish tend to be omnivores, the lovebite variety seems to have specialized in consuming the blood of larger creatures. A unique feature of this vamish is the oddly heart-shaped scales they appear to shed, many Mynrosians walk the beaches during the spring to collect these small scatterings of scales which when washed and fried can be used as a decorative garnish to romantic dishes made during this season.


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