


Visual Trait Index
Subtypes: Land, Aquatic, Siren, Kelpie

Mhoats are physical embodiments of magic, their bodies are made of a physical form of magic called aethic. Aethic is malleable and allows mhoats to transform between a quadrupedal and bipedal form. Flexible plates of hardened silk cover every part of the body where aethic doesn’t show through, these are formed naturally as a protective layer between themselves and the environment around them. The plating is usually subtle, obscured by soft fur-like strands of silk that sprout from the surface of the plates. The seams are visible at night when a mhoat’s natural bioluminescence shines through the seams of the opaque plating that covers their bodies.

More info about the species can be found on the Mhoat Species Info page.



Visual Trait Index

Vabbits are an underground dwelling species that have recently appeared on the islands' surface, they resemble rabbits and are covered in thick plating across their forearms and faces. The rest of their body is covered in a layer of insulated fur that protects them from extreme temperatures, something of a necessity as they appear to expel superheated steam from the vents in between their plating. They use this steam to soften dirt, rock, and various other tough substances to build large underground warrens and cities, which they call home.

More info about the species can be found on the Vabbit Species Info page.


Visual Trait Index

Pets are the various small creatures that appear across the turtonic islands, their primary purpose is to aid in the livability of the islands or assist mhoats in curbing the growth of the parasitic mushroom spread across the lands. Much like mhoats, they are embodiments of minor magic which means their appearance can vary quite a bit with there being common or rare types of these pets found across the islands and on rare occasions some fairly unique individuals.

More info about the various pets can be found on the Pet Species Info page.



Precursors, much like the term are any number of creatures that are known by historians to have existed before the written records of Mynros. They are quite literally, creatures that came before. The term before is applied to the moment before the creation of mhoats themselves, so deities like Yel and Myn who created both Mhoats and Vabbits fall under this category despite strongly resembling Mhoats themselves.

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