Trait Categories


These traits are for admin use only.

Mhoat Face Shapes

These are mandatory for both Land and Aquatic Mhoats.

Mhoat Teeth

These are mandatory for both Land and Aquatic Mhoats.

Mhoat Eyes

These are mandatory for both Land and Aquatic Mhoats.

Mhoat Ears

These are mandatory for and exclusive to Land Mhoats.

Mhoat Frills

These are mandatory for and exclusive to Aquatic Mhoats.

Mhoat Horns

These are mandatory for and exclusive to Land Mhoats.

Mhoat Faux Horns

These are optional and can be applied to both Land and Aquatic mhoats.

Mhoat Feelers

These are optional and can be applied to both Land and Aquatic mhoats.

Mhoat Tails

These are mandatory for both Land and Aquatic Mhoats.

Mhoat Wings

These are optional and exclusive to Land Mhoats.

Mhoat Fins

These are mandatory for and exclusive to Aquatic Mhoats.

Mhoat Vents

These are mandatory for and exclusive to Aquatic Mhoats.

Mhoat Special Aethic

These are optional for both Land and Aquatic Mhoats.

Aethic, more commonly known as goo, is the section of the body not covered by a mhoat's natural body plating, the normal range of this area is shown on the mhoat species page. All areas covered by the darker tone areas are where a mhoat's goo is present; the mandatory areas are the arms, ears, eyes, mouth (including teeth), and hooves. If a mhoat has a trait from the horns category, then those should always be formed from the mhoat's goo and therefore follow all color restrictions. Optional areas for goo coverage are the chest, stomach, inner thighs, and tail; when the tail is affected it will usually be fully formed of goo, and if not the shelled part should always connect to the main body except for traits like the mushroom cap tail.

Mhoat Aethic Tones

These traits are mandatory for both Land and Aquatic mhoats.

Aethic Tones
Mhoats tend to have a set range of colors on their aethic, commonly called goo, these colors appear on all internal parts of their body from bones, organs, and even muscles. It's common for a mhoat to have one to two colors present on their goo and occasionally a mutation occurs where they will have three colors on display. There are additional traits that can add further colors, but any trait that does this will have a note in its description.

The important thing to know about colors is that a single color is counted as any color with a maximum range of 15. For example, say a mhoat has one color with a hue number of 28 and another with a hue number of 38; these colors would count as a single color. However, if the hue numbers were 28 and 45, this would mean the mhoat had two colors present and would instead require double tone goo as a trait.

The following traits limit which colors you can use for your mhoat's goo:

Pastel Goo
This goo trait allows for lighter colors that fall outside of the range for normal mhoat goo colors. Any color with a Saturation between 15 and 30 and a Value/Brightness between 80 and 95 falls under Pastel Goo.

Shade Goo
This goo trait allows for darker goo colors that fall outside of the normal range for mhoat goo colors. Any color with a Saturation of 100 and a Value/Brightness between 25 and 5 falls under Shade Goo. 

Grayscale Goo
This trait allows mhoat's goo to have colors that range from white to black, which includes shades of gray that lack hints of color. Any color that has either a Saturation under 15 or a Value/Brightness under 5, falls under grayscale Goo.

When checking any mhoat goo colors please use HSV/HSB to check, or input your Hexcode into Google, to see if they match the values listed above.

Mhoat Body

These are optional and can be applied to Land and Aquatic mhoats.

Vabbit Teeth

These traits are mandatory for Vabbits.

A vabbit's nails, teeth, sclera, and bones should all be within the grayscale color range from white to black, as well as, shades of gray that lack distinct color. This range either requires the color to have either a Saturation under 15 or a Value/Brightness under 5, but this requirement is waived when these areas are affected by a trait that allows for a variety of colors. The different parts of a vabbit can be various grayscale colors and aren't confined to a single color.

Vabbit Eyes

These traits are mandatory for Vabbits. You must have both a Sclera and a Pupil trait present on any design.

Vabbit Ears

These traits are mandatory for Vabbits.

Vabbit ears can either have inner ear fluff or be bare, but when bare they will have a subdued version of the color present on their plates. Ears with inner fluff have natural protection from a vabbit's steam, but if their ears are bare they tend to either fold or swivel away from the vents when steam is being released. Each trait will have further details on how they function for the vabbit.

Vabbit Feelers

These traits are optional for Vabbits.

27 results found.