
Rabbit Teeth

Rabbit Teeth (Standard)

Category: Vabbit Teeth
Parent Trait: Rodent Teeth (Standard)
Species: Vabbits

Long front teeth like rabbits. These teeth are more aesthetic than necessary. Is considered cute in mhoat circles.

Fangs Teeth

Fangs Teeth (Standard)

Category: Vabbit Teeth
Parent Trait: Fangs Teeth (Standard)
Species: Vabbits

Teeth that show past the lip, but don't pass the bottom of the chin.

Tusks Teeth

Tusks Teeth (Standard)

Category: Vabbit Teeth
Parent Trait: Tusks Teeth (Standard)
Species: Vabbits

This trait gives a vabbit larger lower canines that always show, they shouldn't extend past the height of the vabbit's nostril.

Carchar Teeth

Carchar Teeth (Standard)

Category: Vabbit Teeth
Parent Trait: Shark Teeth (Standard)
Species: Vabbits

Vabbits with these teeth form sharp reptilian teeth commonly seen on dinosaurs, which are not visible when the vabbit's mouth is closed.

Grayscale Sclera

Grayscale Sclera (Standard)

Category: Vabbit Eyes
Species: Vabbits

Vabbits most commonly have either black or white sclera, but grays are not uncommon either.

Alternate Types
  • Greyscale Sclera (Standard)

    The trait has recently switched from international english to more US-styled english, and is therefore renamed "Grayscale Sclera".

    This version of the trait should not be on any character, if you spot this on a character, please let the administration know.

Standard Pupils

Standard Pupils (Standard)

Category: Vabbit Eyes
Species: Vabbits

These type of pupils tend to be round or slit, and respond to light.

Shaped Pupils

Shaped Pupils (Standard)

Category: Vabbit Eyes
Parent Trait: Shaped Pupils (Standard)
Species: Vabbits

These type of pupils can be any shape, like hearts, stars, you name it. They do not respond to light, however.


Blind (Standard)

Category: Vabbit Eyes
Parent Trait: Blind (Standard)
Species: Vabbits

If a vabbit has absolutely no pupils, it is a sign of blindness. Blind Vabbits simply have no pupils.

Beady Eyes

Beady Eyes (Standard)

Category: Vabbit Eyes
Species: Vabbits

Vabbits with this eye type form unusually small eyes that tend to be a singular color.


Eyeless (Standard)

Category: Vabbit Eyes
Parent Trait: Eyeless (Standard)
Species: Vabbits

Vabbits with this trait don't form eyes at all and their plating tends to fill in the space where these eyes would be.

Rabbit Ears

Rabbit Ears (Standard)

Category: Vabbit Ears
Parent Trait: Bunny Ears (Standard)
Species: Vabbits

These ears can either fold or flop downward. Both lop and upright ears would fall under this trait. This is the most common style of ears.

Vuline Ears

Vuline Ears (Standard)

Category: Vabbit Ears
Parent Trait: Kitfox Ears (Standard)
Species: Vabbits

These ears should either fold over, have inner ear fur, or be able to swivel and pin back away from the face.

Batty Ears

Batty Ears (Standard)

Category: Vabbit Ears
Parent Trait: Batty Ears (Standard)
Species: Vabbits

Vabbits with this ear type tend to have large, pointed ears that resemble those seen on bats. These ears tend to have some type of ridges present on the inside of the ear.

Tufty Feelers

Tufty Feelers (Standard)

Category: Vabbit Feelers
Species: Vabbits

Vabbits with this trait form a collection of small tuft-like feelers that resemble the crests seen on crested and rockhopper penguins.

Mudpuppy Feelers

Mudpuppy Feelers (Standard)

Category: Vabbit Feelers
Species: Vabbits

Vabbits with this trait form feelers with a thick base and frilly extrusions that resemble those seen on mudpuppies and axolotls. They have no aquatic function but do seem to have a basic sensory ability that a vabbit can use to measure its surroundings in dark spaces.

Slim Feelers

Slim Feelers (Standard)

Category: Vabbit Feelers
Parent Trait: Slim Feelers (Mutation)
Species: Vabbits

Vabbits with this trait form feelers that are long and slim which are either one width throughout or large at the tip and taper; these feelers can form all over the mhoat's body. Sometimes these feelers will form fluffy tips at the ends.

Stalagmite Spines

Stalagmite Spines (Standard)

Category: Vabbit Feelers
Species: Vabbits

Vabbits with this trait form spines all over their body that tend to be the coloring present on their plates. These spines can be smooth or have an almost rocky quality dependent upon artist preference.

Bun Tail

Bun Tail (Standard)

Category: Vabbit Tails
Parent Trait: Deerling Tail (Standard)
Species: Vabbits

This type of tail is just a tiny, cute fluff tail.

Kitten Tail

Kitten Tail (Standard)

Category: Vabbit Tails
Parent Trait: Feline Tail (Standard)
Species: Vabbits

This type of tail is similar to that of cats.

Wolf Tail

Wolf Tail (Standard)

Category: Vabbit Tails
Parent Trait: Long Fluff Tail (Standard)
Species: Vabbits

This type of tail is similar to that of wolves or foxes. Very fluffy.

185 results found.