
Monster Mouth

Monster Mouth (Mutation)

Category: Mhoat Body
Species: Mhoats

This trait causes a monster's mouth to form anywhere on the mhoat's body. Multiple mouth openings can be present across the body, but they should all be connected in some manner and the style of mouth should remain consistent. If you want multiple types of monster mouths present then you would be required to use a mutation stone for each unique mouth type.

Multiple Eyes

Multiple Eyes (Mutation)

Category: Mhoat Body
Species: Mhoats

Mhoats with this trait form additional, functional eyes that can appear across their bodies, usually on areas where plating is present. Applying this trait to a mhoat with the Carved trait allows a design to have eyes where otherwise they would lack eyes.

Hoof Variation

Hoof Variation (Standard)

Category: Mhoat Body
Species: Mhoats (Land subtype)

This trait allows a mhoat to have a variety of alternative appearances to their hooved on both the front and back feet. Hands, paws, reptilian feet, and many others are possible.

Skeletal Limbs

Skeletal Limbs (Mutation)

Category: Mhoat Body
Species: Mhoats

Mhoats with this trait can have a single or numerous legs that appear skeletal. These legs are not actually displaying the skeleton, but have a unique shape and plating the mimics the appearance of the natural skeleton below.


Plates (Standard)

Category: Mhoat Body
Species: Mhoats

Mhoats with this trait form plating that is more clearly segmented than the default. These plates can be snug to the body or even larger and more decorative similar to armor or the shells seen on insects.

Zombie Plates

Zombie Plates (Mutation)

Category: Mhoat Body
Species: Mhoats

Mhoats with this trait have a magic deficiency that causes the plates on their body to grow and fall off over time. This can affect small sections of the body or cause the majority of the mhoat to lack a shell, but there will always be some part of the shell present. Additionally, this can cause plates to grow in areas where they otherwise wouldn't, but this does affect the transformation ability of things like a mhoat's front limbs.

* This trait is similar to Goo Patch, but the plating on Zombie Plates have an incomplete, broken appearance and can grow in areas that Goo Patch doesn't allow.

Spider Legs

Spider Legs (Mutation)

Category: Mhoat Body
Species: Mhoats

Mhoats with this trait can form additional legs on their back that can retract and extend outward into fully formed, spider-like legs.

Plant Growth

Plant Growth (Mutation)

Category: Mhoat Body
Species: Mhoats

Mhoats with this mutation grow actual plants on their body, which can be any type of plant of fungi. Additionally, fruit-bearing plants can grow small fruits on the body much like they would when growing naturally.

Alternate Types
  • Plant Growth (Spring)
    Species: Vabbits

    Vabbits with this mutation grow actual plants on their body, any variety of plants. Additionally, fruit-bearing plants can grow small fruits on the body much like they would when growing naturally.

Missing Limbs

Missing Limbs (Standard)

Category: Mhoat Body
Species: Mhoats

Mhoats with this trait either miss one or multiple limbs, which can include legs, eyes, ears, and tails. 

Replacement Limbs

Replacement Limbs (Standard)

Category: Mhoat Body
Species: Mhoats

Mhoats are able to replace their limbs with those of other mhoats, the goo fusing on contact and functioning as if the mhoat never lost the limb. Any part of the mhoat that isn't the main body may be replaced, so it could be as small as an ear to tail, up to a mhoat replacing their own head (though this often requires the assistance of another mhoat). These parts don't often match the original mhoat's goo, which means a mhoat can display multiple goo colors at once that would otherwise require the use of double tone or triad goo.


Chameleo (Mutation)

Category: Mhoat Body
Species: Mhoats

Mhoats with the Chameleo trait are able to apply new markings to their body through the use of their own goo or by using paints made from the silks of other mhoats. When applied these markings will fade slowly over the span of a few weeks, but it is fairly common for mhoats to erase the markings before they fade and create new ones, often complementing their day-to-day wardrobe.

Werewolf Transformation

Werewolf Transformation (Potion)

Category: Mhoat Body
Species: Mhoats

Mhoats with this trait are able to take on a secondary form that is either much larger or much smaller than their original form. This transformation pushes beyond the normal body type alterations a mhoat can perform naturally on their body. Additionally, each form can have its own unique set of markings, colors, and traits but usually there are some details the two forms share.

Alternate Types
  • Werewolf Transformation (Potion)
    Species: Vabbits

    Vabbits with this trait are able to take on a secondary form that is either much larger or much smaller than their original form. Each form of this transformation can have its own unique set of markings, colors, and traits but usually, there are some details shared between the two forms.

Hollow Body

Hollow Body (Potion)

Category: Mhoat Body
Species: Mhoats

Mhoats with this trait appear to be an empty shell moving about on their own, but the inner lining of these mhoats actually has a thin layer of goo. Mhoats with this trait are rather mysterious, they seem to be able to see and wander freely but don't appear to have the limbs or eyes needed to actually complete these tasks. This trait also tends to make the mhoat in question mute, but they may learn to communicate through either mundane or magical means.

*Combination of hollow body with the Shell-less trait requires the addition of other traits that make the full form at least partially visible and is dependent upon mod approval. Valid combinations include Hollow Body + Shell-less + Aether Aspect or Hollow Body + Shell-less + Color Shifting Goo + Floating Objects, but other variations exist with when creative with the application.

*The combination of Hollow Body + Zombie Plates may affect the potential cap payouts when drawing the mhoat if the trait reduces the form from what qualifies for fullbody, but additional traits may negate this similar to how traits are applied to shell-less to show more of the body.

Alternate Types
  • Hollow Body (Potion)
    Species: Vabbits

    Vabbits with this trait entirely lack a functional body, instead, their plates and skeleton remain and become cloaked in their own natural fire which appears to fuel their movement. Similar to Hollow Body mhoats, vabbits with this trait tend to be mysterious and despite lacking eyes or muscles they are able to navigate easily and don't lack agility compared to other vabbits. Like with mhoats, vabbits with this trait tend to be mute but can devise ways to communicate with others through mundane or magical means.

Conjoined Twin

Conjoined Twin (Potion)

Category: Mhoat Body
Species: Mhoats

Mhoats whose bodies are fused together; they may separate into individual mhoats for short periods of time. They will lack a shell at the points they were fused and often need to compensate for missing goo and internal structures by shifting their limbs inward and using the additional mass to balance their form. Each twin can have its own individual traits and goo colors, but these colors may not bleed into one another.

An example of how these conjoined twins might separate means one twin or the other would be missing some spinal structure, so to compensate, they would need to shift their limb inward so it can transform and make up for the parts of their body that are missing. Additionally, since they share a tail only one mhoat would have the tail, and the other would be tailless.

*It is possible to create conjoined triplets, but no more than three individual bodies in total can be formed through the use of this trait.

Alternate Types
  • Conjoined Twin (Potion)
    Species: Vabbits

    Vabbits whose bodies are fused together and may separate into individual vabbits for short periods of time. While separated, a magical connection is established which is displayed at the point where they split. From here, a strange magical material seems to gravitate toward each twin resembling ferrofluid in how it moves and having a mild magnetic quality. When separated, vabbits with this trait are unable to form replacement limbs, so should one twin lack the means to balance their form then they may struggle to get around. Each twin can have its own individual traits and plate colors, but these colors may not bleed into one another.

    *It is possible to create conjoined triplets, but no more than three individual bodies in total can be formed through the use of this trait.


Scales (Mutation)

Category: Mhoat Body
Species: Mhoats (Land subtype)

This trait allows scales to form over all parts of a mhoat's body, these scales can come in a variety of sizes both large and small.

Alternate Types
  • Scales (Standard)
    Species: Mhoats (Aquatic subtype)

    This trait allows scales to form over all parts of a mhoat's body, these scales can come in a variety of sizes both large and small.

  • Scales (Mutation)
    Species: Vabbits

    This trait allows heat-resistant scales to form over all parts of a vabbit's body, these scales tend to be on the smaller side and aren't held to the same color restrictions seen on the larger plating present on the rest of the vabbit's body.


Feathers (Mutation)

Category: Mhoat Body
Species: Mhoats (Land subtype)

Mhoats with this trait form feathers either alongside or instead of fur all over their bodies.

Goo Mane

Goo Mane (Mutation)

Category: Mhoat Body
Species: Mhoats

This trait gives mhoats a mane formed of goo that can either take decorative shapes, be tied up, or drape over the side of the neck. This trait conforms to goo limitations and can be altered by traits that affect the goo, additionally, this trait is free when the Shell-less trait is applied to a design.

Iridescent Markings

Iridescent Markings (Standard)

Category: Mhoat Body
Species: Mhoats

When this trait is used a mhoat's markings or entire body can take on a metallic or generally shimmery look like some bird feathers. Additionally, this trait can also add sparkles around whatever section this trait effects.

Bioluminescent Markings

Bioluminescent Markings (Standard)

Category: Mhoat Body
Species: Mhoats

When this trait is present markings on the mhoat's body will glow in low light, this is due to the plating in these locations being thinner and showing the light goo naturally gives off through the markings. These glowing markings can either be existing markings on the mhoat's body or markings that only appear in low light.

Winter Coat

Winter Coat (Winter)

Category: Mhoat Body
Species: Mhoats

Mhoats with this trait grow a thicker coat during cold months to the point their fur covers areas where normally only goo would be seen. Along with thicker fur, the winter coat tends to be lighter or a more subdued palette from the usual; mhoats with this coat fare better in the cold.

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