Site News

Suddenly.. a MYO Event?!

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by Speedy

"...Hello? This thing on?" *loud screeching noises* "Okay, yeah, this is definitely on.

HELLO FANS EVERYWHERE! I know you've missed me terribly, but I have finally arrived here! Just flew in from another Turtonic and boy, are my friend's wings tired.. Like, really, they're exhau- wait, oh dang, the camera isn't on? Ah, so nobody will know who I am..."

Tsk tsk. "Well, there's some old bones that seem to take this spot at the start of each month, but there ain't nobody here right now! This booth is abandoned! So I'll take my spot in the spotlights- even with a lack of said lights..."

A-hem. "ANNOUNCING! The Realm of Mynros's FIRST OFFICIAL MYO EVE.. what do you mean it happened before? No, that was on a boat, wasn't it.. ANYWAY: MYO EVENT!"

Welcome to the 2023 MYO Event


Starts: January 5th 2023 - Ends: February 5th 2023

"To start off the year we wanted to hold a MYO event... is what I would say if you were actually looking at the MYO event page! Come on, the link is all glowy up there, the link is all glowy RIGHT HERE, what more do you want?"

"Just head on over to that new shiny page, and meanwhile.. I'll be informing you all of something else- since it IS the start of a new year, let me also bring to the attention these poor ol' Mhoats and Vabbits who cannot find a home right now!! It's so sad."

Flatsale: M-0276[Open]
Price: $30


OTA: M-0355[Open]
MhoatsFall Mythic
Design: Shadonut ・ Art: Shadonut

Autobuy: $60
Offer Here

USD > Art > CS Items (Mhoats, Mothcats, Paralogos)

Flatsale: M-0356[Open]
MhoatsWinter Mythic
Pumpkin Patch
Design: BnG ・ Art: BnG
Price: $60


"I am meant to inform you that these do not include the very recent New Years Adopts 2023 set, and that this is a momentary snapshot blah blah blah let's just say if one says it's OPEN on this page, but it's actually CLOSED on the real page, that's not my problem!! Check the sales page first, before assuming they're open!!"
(Despite the insistence of the newscaster, the list seems emptier than it was previously.. especially if you're reading this in 2024..)

"..And thus, back to me! Yes, I am also here still, hi! I will be doing more announcements like this if I can, b.." . . . . "Oh, err, right, looks like it's time for me to head on out! Turns out some folk don't actually take kindly to peeps taking over their broadcasting system! Whoops~"

"Pap out~!"

Happy New Years, 2023!

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by PromptoBeans

News Header

"Well well! It's a NEW YEAR and I'd say a new me, but I don't think I can replace these nice creaky bones~ BUT for you lil wonderful mhoatlings do I got a gift? I do! It's the NEWS from wonderful lil me.

Wait.... That's not enough??? Hmmm, wellllllll, I suppose you'll find a better gift if you keep on reading and I hope you'll be excited for it!! As it's the real gift!!"

News- Wave

"I do want to note that the Starlight Gala is still running so you can still enter for the lil' frosty bun~ Remember, you'll automatically enter once you join the Giftmaking Activity! But! The activity does have it's own rules so make sure to read up on it~ I wish everyone good luck!"


"There are some minor news for some general updates as well:

  • The trait categories have been fixed up with more information regarding mandatory and optional traits. Part of this involves new trait categories being added which are: "Mhoat Aethic Tones" and "Vabbit Tones". Which caused the "Goo" category to be altered to "Mhoat Special Aethic" instead.
  • There is also an update to the navigation bar as well. If you go to “Info” you can click on “Species” and it has a quicker links and access for the both the species pages and their visual trait indexes as well.
  • And just above the "Species" section in the navigation bar, also in the "Info" section. Is now a MYO guide! Hopefully it'll help with information regarding what is needed to make MYOs.
  • There is also a link to OA customs in the "Market" tab as well! It includes how to buy customs, as well as how to buy MYO items too!
  • We also have an End of the Year form here! It will be closing on the 7th, so be sure to check that out and let us know what your thoughts are!

Otherwise onto the prompt!"

Prompt Header

"After the disastrous vabbit attack and due to the snow now melting, it seems the vabbit's hideouts are being discovered!!! There's been many reports of unsuspecting mhoats falling into holes that keep winding down and around. As a newscaster, it makes me want to check it out!! As these holes seems to lead to secret vabbit cities and more!"

News- Wave

"To end the last year cleanly, let's go to this month's raffle! We have another lil mhoat to give away. I'd also like to say, mewhaku, has won the previous Mhoat that was for Raffle! Congratulations!!! For this new mhoat, we would also like for you to comment to enter! You can get an additional entry for advertising the raffle by linking the news post like before."

  • Commenting below will get you one entry.
  • Advertising this News post/Raffle will earn you another entry.
  • The Raffle will end on the 1st of the next month.


"I do hope this New Year treats you all wonderfully and I'll bring this to a close. Or so I say! I did mention something, something read for a gift? Why YES! I did~ There are not only new traits and a new adopt set!! But ALSO a new years pack! For the New Year there is a prompt that you can collect the New Years badge but also a nice gift pack, alongside a mhoat you can enter for FREE! With rules on the prompt itself for more entries!! I hope these will make wonderful gifts and that they'll brighten this year for you~"

Prompt Header

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"All that art and you stuck around? For that, may I say as a bonus gift that there may be a batch of traits dropping alongside an event? Maybe even lil birthday gifts! Keep an eye out~ Or an eye socket out if you have only bones like me~ hehe"

News Outro

Starlight Gala 2022

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by PromptoBeans

News Header

"If it isn't the end of the year! I can tell because the chill is seeping into my bones!!! It makes me want to bundle all up and have some hot cocoa.. Which speaking of those little birds do cry some good hot cocoa...."

Event Header

"I'd also like to say that the Starlight Gala is back! It seems Vin has set up some special events alongside it though~ As I was told, we do have some new pets in the shop for lil mhoatlings to come and grab if they'd like. As well as some traits to WRAP things up with! Because wrapping paper goo! Please don't leave!! I haven't wrapped up the news, still going, I swear! I do also want to say the Gala does have a trinket for entry and a special, mysterious ones from the odd photo booth that's been set up~ I hear that the Oracle had left it there, to prophesize your future among other things. Then last but not least! There is a special raffle for the Giftmaking Activity that is a lil Vabbit. There is special conditions to the activity so be sure to check out the Starlight Gala prompt to find out how to get this lil' frosty~"


"There are some minor news for updates as well:

  • All old outdated Aquatics are now back in! As all that was needed to be fixed was the bottom fin. Which is now a NEW Trait!
  • Which speaking of traits, there may be some new trait drops here and there so be on the lookout for them, they'll most likely end up on the news for the next month alongside other things~ So don't worry!
  • There are updates regarding Written works on the Seasonal Events/Prompts, so if you are planning to write, be sure to check the rules on them out!

Otherwise onto the prompt!"

Prompt Header

"It seems that there has been an attack! Those lil' cute Vabbits are heating up the snow and throwing water at folks as well as popping out of nowhere to throw snowballs! It seems the cold only fires up these lil buns! They are just toasty and ready to attack anyone.... So fair warning to you lil' Mhoatlings, stay warm and inside like me, unless you want a cold surprise. I'm keeping my chilly bones inside, that's for sure!"

News- Wave

"So before my bones chill anymore let's go to this month's raffle! We have another lil mhoat to give away. I'd also like to say, Inkcess, has won the previous Mhoat that was for Raffle! Congratulations!!! For this new mhoat, we would also like for you to comment to enter! You can get an additional entry for advertising the raffle by linking the news post like before."

  • Commenting below will get you one entry.
  • Advertising this News post/Raffle will earn you another entry.
  • The Raffle will end on the 1st of the next month.


"I hope this years ends well for you all! Do make sure to get home safe without any mischievous Vabbit attacks!"

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News Outro

November News

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by PromptoBeans

News Header

"Happy last month of fall lil' mhoatlings! Be sure to pick up your new Tricky Treat this month and join the last of the fall event activities~ I hope Halloween 'treat'ed everyone well~"

News Welcome

"There is a new update that'll allow co-owners! So if you and a buddy wants to share a mhoat go to the Masterlist Updates prompt to sort that out. This will need approval from both owners and the mhoat mods aren't responsible for what happens after. You gotta ask that (or those) sweet little mhoat(s) to where they go after a break-up. We also have some new vabbit traits that came out alongside the adopts of the advent. So be sure to take a look at those and see if you'd like to use them on a vabbit or a future vabbit."

Masterlist Updates Link -

Halloween Advent Link -

Halloween Advent Calendar

"Speaking of the advent, it's officially all out and you can now see all the wonderful designs that were made! Thank you to those wonderful Guest Artists and Staff for the spoopiest of mhoats and vabbits~ Some are even OTA so be sure to check it out and maybe offer or snag a few. Gotta give those lovely creatures some homes and love!"

Pippom Pluckin' Header

"We also have a new prompt this month, it's time to pick some pippoms and other crops! Winter will be hitting soon and we don't want that sweet wonderful food to go to waste in the ground. So it's time to shake those bones out and start harvesting!! I may do a news report on the mhoat who picks the most harvest~"

News- Wave

"Now, onto this month's raffle! We have another lil mhoat to give away. I'd also like to say, PaisleyPerson, has won the previous Mhoat that was for Raffle! Congratulations!!! For this new mhoat, we would also like for you to comment to enter! You can get an additional entry for advertising the raffle by linking the news post like before."

  • Commenting below will get you one entry.
  • Advertising this News post/Raffle will earn you another entry.
  • The Raffle will end on the 1st of the next month.


"I hope everyone enjoys their treats and have a wonderful month~"

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“Ah, what do we have here…” A curious Mhoat looked down upon the scene below. From their high perch upon a rooftop, they saw many Mhoats (and even a few Vabbits) gathered in this town’s square. It was nighttime, so the only lights came from the many lanterns scattered about the area, but this Mhoat’s body gleamed with a very slight eerie glow. Chuckling to themself, the Mhoat thought; “What a sight to see in...
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Welcome, welcome, young ones! I see you’ve chosen to sit by my fire this evening. Perhaps I have the greatest treats to give – or perhaps you’re here to hear my terrifying tales? Whatever the case may be, all are welcome here by the warmth of the campfire.   Here, take this bowl of treats and pass them around. Take only one to start – yes, Go, that includes you, save some for the youngsters – and onc...
Content Warning Submission thumbnail Submission thumbnail Submission thumbnail

News Outro

October News

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by PromptoBeans

News Header

"HAPPY SPOOKIEST OF MONTHS! It's good to see you all, my favorite and most spookiest mhoatlings! I hope everyone is having a good spooky month with nice treats~ Speaking of Treats, be sure to pick up your new Tricky Treat this month."

News Welcome

"We also have some minor updates such as more info on goo and what falls into which trait category! As well as there are new pet subspecies added, so you can now make them with a pet MYO slot. As well as we now have a Donation Shop!! It's a little nifty shop that allows you, the most wonderful lil' mhoatlings, to donate items or pets or that others may claim them for free! It's a little bit of a cute shop that allows everyone to share things~"

Goo Information Link -

Pet Subspecies Link -

Donation Shop Header

"I would also be excited to announce and show off the wonderful advent we are having throughout the month!! The Mhoat Halloween Advent will be running throughout the month with a design releasing once everyday. How exciting~ There are some write to adopt and draw to adopts going out every so often, they are listed as XTAs. So no matter what, if you'd like to get an adopt, you can!! I hope everyone manages to snag a mhoat they like~ So please check out the advent if you haven't and consider spreading the word if you'd like."

Halloween Advent Calendar

"We also have a new prompt this month, be sure not to get lost in the Maize Maze. I heard it's very CORNY! . . . As in it's a corn maze, I am so sorry."

News- Wave

"Ahem... Anyways, onto this month's raffle! We have another lil mhoat to give away. I'd also like to say, Speedy, has won the previous Mhoat that was for Raffle! Congratulations!!! For this new mhoat, we would also like for you to comment to enter! You can get an additional entry for advertising the raffle by linking the news post like before."

  • Commenting below will get you one entry.
  • Advertising this News post/Raffle will earn you another entry.
  • The Raffle will end on the 1st of the next month.


"I hope you all have a wonderful month and have fun seeing all the new spooky adopts~"

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News Outro

Slumbering Feast 2022

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by PromptoBeans

News Header

"Well, well, well. Hello my wonderful and most spookiest mhoatlings! Seems like it's my season to shine!!! I hope you lovelies are ready for the best season and the best seasonal event! Welcome to the Slumbering Feast everyone! I hope you enjoy your time during it~"

Event Header

"Like the previous events, The Slumbering Feast has a unique currency as well, which you can earn by participating. There are also four new traits, as shown above, alongside some adorably haunted pets. As well as the final seasonal shop, the Fall Shop! I'd like to note that you can get a special little plushie badge- I mean trinket! If you join in on the costume pageant~ It was noted that the badges were more trinkets so we had a little fix for that! We also have a trinket for those who join in the base event as well! With a note about the shop, make sure to stop by once a month during the event to claim a free lil tricky treat bag~ I heard it has some wonderful goodies."

Shop Header

"I'd also like to point out that officially all Vabbit traits now have images! Polybios claims he got most cases written and detailed out so be sure to take a look at them! Their eggs [MYOs] are officially in the General Shop as well, if you are looking forward to getting a Vabbit of your own~ Which, speaking of traits, I'd like to mention the new Visual trait guides! They are an easier way of seeing all traits at once for a species. You just need to go to the species page and under each specie's name is the guide. For some quick link though:

Mhoat Visual Trait Guide -

Vabbit Visual Trait Guide -

Which I'd also want to note that there is a minor update regarding the Minor and Major Redesign Potions, which you can see in their descriptions. Alongside that, you may now use the Masterlist updates prompt to give your pets titles as well~ Now onto the prompt! Which to say, the Anniversary prompt is now closed alongside the gift will be removed, thank you lil mhoatlings who joined and I hope you had fun!!"

Prompt Header

"OHO What's this? Beside a little Serval nabbing food! This is some new amazing art~ That's to say, welcome Oboe to the team! They are the new Official Artist that'll be helping and seen around more. I hope you enjoy your time here and I hope everyone welcomes you~ Which back to that Serval, if you include them in your prompt image stealing all the food or some, you'll get a bonus! Luckily my old bones don't need food or I'd be quite mad at this little cutie. Oh! I did want to say that if you missed your chance to fish, we caught a lot of little fishy pets, so pop on by the pet shop to get your own~"

News- Wave

"Now onto this month's raffle! We have another lil mhoat to give away. I'd also like to say, Inkcess, has won the previous Mhoat that was for Raffle, and Andie, has won the Kelpie MYO! Congratulations!!! For this new mhoat, we would also like for you to comment to enter! You can get an additional entry for advertising the raffle by linking the news post like before."

  • Commenting below will get you one entry.
  • Advertising this News post/Raffle will earn you another entry.
  • The Raffle will end on the 1st of the next month.


"Last minor note before the lovely art is that some of the Summer Advent Adopts have been changed to OTA/some got lowered prices. So be sure to check them out~ Now, here is the wonderful art for the month as well!"

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News Outro

August Updates and Vabbits

Posted 1 year ago :: Last edited 1 year ago by PromptoBeans

News Header

"My dear sweet lil mhoats! Let me tell you lovely lil guys why I haven't given you the monthly news!!! I know, I know, I should be on top on things but Polybios had came up to me during the end of last month with some exciting news! As the primary historian and researcher, he was making note regarding the new turtonic and found a slightly larger turtonic passing with a new species!!!! As stated by Polybios themselves:

'We don't know much about this species, as they came in a bunch, off of a medium scaled turtonic that was passing by. They seem to be very chatty and calls themselves 'Vabbits'. While they seem to have limited speech or at least they are very blunt, they claim the ones who made them talked very similar to them. Upon asking who had made them, it was met with the response of 'Yel and Myn'. Normally while this would be hard to believe as the two have not been seen in hundreds of years. The speech makes it more convincing as per the two would not have anyone else to talk with. More research will be done.'

But after spending so much time there, Polybios had kicked me, poor lil Inkwell, out!! Something about having news to go tell which I do! But still, so harsh!"

Vabbit Species Link -

News Welcome

"Well, I love my job and I like doing it even if I can't stay and see all the exciting things while it happens.... Anyways, I'll get into telling you some new things for sale! There is now a Minor Redesign item, made for smaller changes to a design and allows a bit more wiggle room on updates! It'll be set in the general shop. Alongside that, Polybios had notified others about a new item called the 'Kelpie Mantle', it works to turn an Aquatic into the Kelpie species subtype!! How neat! It'll be sold in both the general shop and the First Light Festival Shop. Which before mentioning the last new shop item, I'd like to point out that Halloween GA Applications are open till the 8th so sign up if you haven't! As well as, the masterlist updates submission now includes the option to request for designs to be reverted to their previous appearance."

Halloween Advent Guest Artist Sign-ups! -

"Now! Because of the new species and them causing distractions! Those rascals, we missed the 7th anniversary of mhoats!!!! That brings me to the last item that'll be added to the shop, a fake cake box, locked with some goodies of sorts. It'll be available for free in the general shop and you can only nab it once. It'll be up for a limited time, for a month, so nab it quickly! There is also a new prompt to celebrate the anniversary and nab yourself a neat award for doing so! Alongside a raffle!!!!! Which please keep reading for the details on that~"

Prompt Header

"With that our other main prompt is fishing! I heard that each time you try you nab a lil pet~ Which is so neat because I personally have some of the Nyanemone that they catch in a personal tank of mine. They are just so cute! I may have been catching some myself, I do prefer the indoors but those Nyanemones steal my skeletal heart! RIP"

News- Wave

"Now onto this month's raffle! We have another lil mhoat, a lil snowcone buddy to cool you off! I'd also like to say, Oboe, has won the.. uh.... previous Mhoat that was for Raffle. I'm so sorry for your eyes but, uh.. Congratulations? I hope you love them... Anyways! For this new mhoat, we would also like for you to comment to enter! You can get an additional entry for advertising the raffle by linking the news post like before. Which to say, surprise SURPRISE! Not only is the lil snowscone being raffled we, for the anniversary, are raffling a Kelpie MYO Slot~ Which the rules for the MYO slot raffle is the same for the mhoat. This time please state which you are entering for. You are allowed to enter for both but please do state that."

  • Commenting below will get you one entry.
  • Advertising this News post/Raffle will earn you another entry.
  • Please state in your comment if you are entering for one or both.
  • The Raffle will end on the 1st of the next month.


"Here is the wonderful art for the month as well!"

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News Outro

July News

Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by PromptoBeans

News Header

"Hello everyone! I hope you lovely lil mhoatlings are having a good month! Although I heard some of you will be busy fighting art! That is... well, something. I'm not sure if it counts as a crime. Anyways, let's uh... continue!!!"

News Welcome

"We've recently had a few sales going on and I'd like to point out all the lovely lil mhoats out to snaggle! They are all so fun and cute, makes me want to write all about them~ Though I am only told to mention them as to not make the news post about 50 thousand pages long... Along with the sales, we have found a new subspecies! The kelpies!!! I heard that they are being researched as of now! Hopefully I'll have more information to report on as your lovely newscaster, Inkwell!"

Sales -

Halloween Advent Guest Artist Sign-ups! -

"With the spooky season around the corner, I heard the mod(erate) mhoats are searching for the spoopiest mhoat makers to help them! So please be sure to check that out if you like making all things creepy or crawly~ Which I'd like to now mention that mhoats now have titles on their masterlist with their creation themes! So you can now search up themes or just have it for looks. Because of this, we've also got a prompt set up so you may ask for a theme for your lil mhoat! As well as any MYO pet ownership changes~"

Prompt Header

"Well! After all those reallllyy spooky stories, I am ready to get up and go outside! Got to shake my old bones before they get stiff and everything. Seems like there are some new food stalls by the beach as well as a lot of mhoats trying to cool off. Which is understandable! While I prefer the indoors it just gets so hot! Be sure to check out all the details in the activities area for the prompt!"

News- Wave

"Now onto this month's raffle! We have another lil oH MY GOD WHAT IS THAT! I uh.. oh god. I mean, oh geezus. Um, a mhoat. Please take it. Anyway... I'd also like to say, Arcanepursuit, has won the previous Mhoat that was for Raffle! Congratulations!!! For this new mhoat, we would also like for you to comment to enter! You can get an additional entry for advertising the raffle by linking the news post like before."

  • Commenting below will get you one entry.
  • Advertising this News post/Raffle will earn you another entry.
  • The Raffle will end on the 1st of the next month.


"Here is the wonderful art for the month as well!"

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News Outro

Halloween Advent Guest Artist Sign-ups!

Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by Numiauri

Realm of Mynros is looking for temporary guest artists to participate in a Halloween advent that will be released on October 1st with designs released throughout the month. Given the adopt release will line up with the fall season we will primarily be looking for participants to design mhoats based on spooky and fall themes of their choosing. There will be a few details below relevant to those interested in joining, but full requirements can be found on the google form linked below.


- All participants will need to have a PayPal or some other means to accept online payment when their design is claimed.
- You must have a discord. All designers will be expected to join a server for the duration of the advent to share designs, receive feedback, and finalize sales.
- All sales will go directly to the artist, and no percentage cut will be taken from the design sales for any of our GAs.
- Artists will be able to make 1-2 mhoat designs total and pick the day their design is released based on the schedule laid out for the advent.

𝗔𝗱𝘃𝗲𝗻𝘁 𝗦𝗰𝗵𝗲𝗱𝘂𝗹𝗲
June 25th - August 8th - Artist Sign-ups
August 15th - Artists picked, invites sent out
August 16th - September 26th - Design Period
October 1st - Advent Release

First Light Festival 2022

Posted 2 years ago :: Last edited 2 years ago by PromptoBeans

News Header

"Welcome to Pride month everyone!! I hope all of you lovely lil mhoats have a good time this month and join the First Light Festival! Which is now set up~ Though that does mean all Spring Event activities are now closed, if you missed out on anything, there is always next year!! Since it is Pride month, we are giving out 5 caps to ANY pride themed images, this includes prompts, regular art and event art~ I'd also like to mention that the minimum requirement for this bonus is that the image must be worth 5 caps! 5 for 5 after all~"

Event Header

"Like the previous events, The First Light Festival has a unique currency as well, which you can earn by participating. There are also four new traits, as shown above, alongside some cute pets and a Summer Shop! I'd like to note that some pets you may have to catch via Fishing alongside a special badge~ We also have a badge or a good luck charm for those who join in!"

Shop Header

"I'd also like to point out that officially all traits now have images! Some even have more detailed information regarding them~ So please check them out if you'd either like to see the new art or just want to browse them. I do sincerely hope they inspire you to create more MYOs or update existing Mhoats! As well as the Summer Advent is coming up close!!! So beware the preclaims post~ You may want to jump at it if you find a theme that you like!"

Prompt Header

"Did I say 'beware'? Hmm. I did! You should beware some of the spooky stories that are being told around campfires lately~ Some mhoats are having camping nights or camping on the beach and telling stories in general! It seems quite fun!! You know I was a writer before I became the Newscaster? That was until I joined here. I still need to clean the old Newscaster bones out. Maybe I should should them off during the campfire tales! I kid, I'd probably be fired for that."

News- Wave

"Now onto this month's raffle! We have another lil mhoat to give away. I'd also like to say, Fulgarite, has won the previous Mhoat that was for Raffle! Congratulations!!! For this new mhoat, we would also like for you to comment to enter! You can get an additional entry for advertising the raffle by linking the news post like before."

  • Commenting below will get you one entry.
  • Advertising this News post/Raffle will earn you another entry.
  • The Raffle will end on the 1st of the next month.


"Here is the wonderful art for the month as well!"

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News Outro